Are We Gonna be Alright?

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Nights are restless, haunted by one thought -
Are we gonna be alright, or have we direly fought?
Staring at the ceiling, dread takes over,
As I wonder if we're too broken to recover.

What once was sacred partnership and vow,
Lies shattered into fragments somehow.
The way we were dissolving day by day,
Our bond's fabric steadily fraying away.

Silence stretches vast between us two,
A Grand Canyon where loving words once flew.
We walk on eggshells, afraid to speak,
For any little thing could make it all go bleak.

Are we gonna be alright? I wish I knew.
This pit of despair we've managed to accrue.
The chasm deepens with each passing darkness,
As our brightness fades, feeding into starkness.

I reach across the divide, grasping at threads,
Trying to weave our story before hope bleeds.
But the material's torn, brittle from strain,
Making me fear...are we already slain?

Are we gonna be alright? The question repeats,
Echoing in my mind with fear's ceaseless beats.
I want to believe we'll find our way,
But that glimmer of faith continues to fray.

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