And because of Felix and Changbin, we even shared a cabin, and of course, he had to choose the bed right under mine.

After Seungmin and I got lost Hyunjin and Him were the first ones to find us.
And that dickhead insisted on carrying me back.
Then the next morning,
We ran around like crazy people at the pier.

Then it felt like the world stopped for a moment, he kissed me.

And not only that but he asked if I would like to be his boyfriend.


Obviously, I said yes.

I think that my own love Story has been there since the very beginning.
Who would've thought that all of this would turn out to this?

Dear Journal, since this is the last page, I am saying my last words.
But this is not a goodbye since there are many more Journals to write.

Dear Minho,
If you ever happen to read this
(Why are you reading my Journal, you idiot)

I want to tell you that you make my heart race and my world stop.
I don't know why, But somehow, with you, everything feels so much easier.

I just wanted to tell you that,
I love you very much.
Thank you for being my idiot.

Love Jisung♡.


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Minho looked up from the page and tackled his Boyfriend in a tight Hug blinking away the tears that started forming in his eyes, a smile plastered on his face

"I love you too."

"Babe I love you too but I cannot breathe." Was heard for Jisung in a muffled tone, Minho laughed at that.

The two got up after hearing a familiar sound, Jisung smiled brightly at who walked into the room.


"Dori~ my baby came to my rescue." Said Jisung, Dori sitting on his lap purring happily.

Minho laughed at the two, taking another look at the Polaroid that was glued onto the page.

It was the Picture Felix took of them at camp. He felt like he remembered it like it was just yesterday, even tho it really wasn't.
A lot has changed ever since they finished school.

After they got back, they shortly after had to do the presentation about the 'I am Who' theme that Mr.Park made up.

The two talked about each other with smiles on their faces, calling each other good friends even tho that was a slight lie since they were more than that.

Since it was nobody's business knowing what exactly they were, they never cleared up anything. Not caring about the rumors or questions they got bombarded with.
So while they were presenting, their friends all had big grins on their faces.

For some reason, Mr. Park did too, but the two quickly shrugged it off since they both got good grades. Thinking it was just like always weird behavior from their teacher.

One thing that hasn't changed, was that they still had their idiots also called friends.

"Oh my gosh, that was when I introduced you to my parents."

Said Minho picking up a photo from the same box. The photo showed Jisung, Minho's parents, and him in a fancy restaurant. Minhos mom had an arm around Jisung, while his dad had his hand on Minho's shoulder, both happily smiling into the camera. 

To his surprise, his parents actually didn't care who he dated, as long he was happy they were okay with it.
Something that made him tear up to this day.

Especially his mom was very happy about Jisung, saying something about remembering Jisung from somewhere. 

Just like Minho's Parents of course Jisung's Mother and His brother were very happy for the two.

Thinking of how much Minho worried, just for his parents to say
"Oh, we don't care." Made him sigh in relief every single time.

"Aw that's a picture of  you at your first Dance audition~"
Teased Jisung making Minho stop his thoughts, his eyes widened in embarrassment. 

The two spend some time looking through the boxes, and the pictures together. When Jisung suddenly remembered the time.

"OMG! We gotta go!"
Said Jisung putting Dori down and sprinting past Soonie and Doongie in the process, the three cats Meowing in confusion.

"Huh? To where?"
Asked Minho walking towards the bathroom where his boyfriend stood, styling his hair.

"To the movies with the others? Did you forget?" He said with a chuckle.

Minhos eyes widened as he quickly ran back to their bedroom and changed into a better outfit. 

"Wow Lee Minho~ for once we actually planned to go somewhere instead of staying at the company, and you forgot~"
Said Jisung walking into the room while laughing.

"Well, I don't mind Staying at the company and Felix's last-minute ideas are always a bit..."
Minho stopped the sentence and walked towards Jisung, with a soft smile.

Jisung nodded, walking towards the door that led out of the apartment, Minho following. 

"Bye Bye"
Said Jisung waving at the three cats who sat on the couch giving the two tired looks.

With intertwined hands, the two walked outside, smiles on their faces.

The End


it's crazy to me that Dear Journal is now officially finished😭.
This book is something that means a lot to me since it has a very long journey. 
This was my first book, and I'm incredibly grateful for all the comments from you guys!
Thank you for voting, Following, or adding my book to Your reading list it means a lot!!
And to all the quiet/ silent readers, thank you for reading♡.

Through this Book I realized how much I love writing, so there will be definitely more from me in the future hehe.

Anyway, Thank you all once again!!
Bye bye!!!! ♡

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