Chapter 6

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The Queen's confession

Next day after breakfast Aegon came to Vaera's chair. "Don't you mind to have a little walk with me? Just- like siblings, you know"

"It's my pleasure. Have you see the Queen?"

"No, not yet. Usually she is always here, but not today". 

So, they went to the garden and start talking.

"I'm happy you are here", Aegon said, "You grown up so much"

"Yes, you too", she laughed and then became seriosly again, "I remember how pressured you was by the King. I'm so sorry for it"

"It's alright, don't worry..."

Princess holded her brother's hand softly.

"If something bothering you, we can talk about it"

"We mustn't say bad about lates", he began, "but I- Honestly, I feel like no one will ever love me"

"W-why?", the girl was shocked.

"When I was little...Like 5 or 6 years old. I decided to talk with my father."

I cnocked in his door.

"Father", I said, "It's Aegon, your son. Please, let me in"

"I don't have a son", he said back. Than the King was already ill and slowly lose his mind, "Get out!"

"But I- I am here, I want to got away your pain!"

"GET OUT! You are my pain and my dissapointment.  I don't want you here, I don't love you and no one will love you!", when Aegon said it he cought a little and turned pale. 


"I knew that he was in pain, but for me his words were just...", the prince's voice was like he's  choking.

Gods, - princess thought, - what should I do-

Vaera helped him to  keep stand.

"Are you alright?"

"No,-I'm- I'm so sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize. Just breath, okay? I'm here, right near."

She found a bench and they sit on it.  For some time young man breathed hardly and his hand were deadly cold.

"Should I call someone?", girl was worried

"No, no...I'm okay. Sorry for scared you. It was just like- A little panic attack"

Aegon was still pale, but his eyes became life again. 

"Can you please talk about something else?"

"Something...Yes. On the Steps I have a friend named Leandra Velaryon"

"lord Corlys mentioned her. Is she his and Rhaenys's eldest daughter?"

"Yes. In the Narrow Sea she is called Soul of the Waves"

"How poetic!", prince smiled, "Will she arrived here?'

"Yes. Do you want me to met you with her?"

"I'll be thanksful to you"

 The hyacinths had started blooming and the princess looked at them. 

"How beautiful spring is", she said and stopped, "Wait. Did you hear it?"

Siblings came closer to the cherry tree, beneath which the queen had standing with...Sir Criston?..

"You are better to go now, Christon. I feel that we are not alone here". 

The guardian had leaved, then princess and prince came closer to Her Majesty.

"Mother", Aegon asked, "what  was that?"

Vaera holded a cousin's hand like said "Hey, don't get mad. Calm down, we  all need to talk"

"I can explain, dear", Alicent said calmly and sat down on the bench. 

"I was only 16 when I had you, Aegon. I was forced to marry the king...not for love, but for my family honor and influence. It was my father's wish."

"So, you don't loved him at all?"

"I loved him as my king, not as husband. But I'm tried to take care of you and your siblings, because i loved you than and still do. I lost my own mother at 15 and soon became a one myself. The king was 40 when you were born...My father told me "It's for the honor, for family, for  yourself. But I dreamed about a happy marriage with a man I love truly. After Rhaenyra was claimed as Princess of Dragonstone and your uncle Gwayne was sent away from court I lost any support I had here...Exept sir Criston. Even if he wasn't able to help me, I always knew that he is right behind my door. Oh, I remember- Whem you were younger, Aegon, you loved to rum away from me and exploring the castle alone..."

"Helaena, did you see your brother?", I asked one day.

"He's going to walk around castle", she answered.

"Walk around castle? Alone?.."

"Y-yes... Sorry, mommy", she was almsot cried and then I picked her up.

"Sh-h-h...It's alright, darling,  stay here. I'll find Aegon and we will be back soon. Can you stay with Aemond?"

I'm run to find you. I was panicing and blamed myself for it. When I saw sir Criston holded you...

"Come with me", I've heard, "Your mother is already missed you"

"Oh, dear Gods", I sighned and picked you up when you ran to me, "You scared me to death",

"I'm sorry-"

"It's okay- Just don't do it again, warned me in the future, okay?"


When the maid took you away and I was alone with Criston, I started crying helplessly for the first time after my wedding.

"Everyone says that I'm a worst mother then late Queen Aemma, Gods blassed her soul. Maybe they all are right-"

He came a little closer to me and hold my hands gently.

"No, they're not. Don't blame yourself. Did you see it? Aegon is alright. You are so young and do not have an experience of motherhood before, then you trying your best. Please, don't cry" 

"Thanks you, sir Criston", his voice calmed me down and I wiped my tears away, "For finding Aegon and for your words. What am I  can do for you back?"

"You no need to do anythimg, Your Majesty. Your smile is a higher reward for me...Oh. Forgive me, I had no right to say that"

"No one will know, don't worry", I smiled a bit and went back to my tower.

"So", asked Aegon in the present, "You really in love with him?"

"Yes", Queen anwered, "I think  secretly I always was. Aegon, I hope you will understand me". 

"I need some time to get over it, but... If you two will be happy together, I don't mind"

Vaera smiled silancly and get away to her chamber. 

She faster  dressed up in a dress colour of hyacinths and looked on window: Aemond had just came with Vhagar. 

"I'm late?", she asked when down upstairs.

"No, you're not. Is everything alright?"


 He gently lifted her onto the dragon's back and they flew up into the clouds

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