Snow isn't the only thing falling

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"It would also be nice if you let me go." I try escaping from his grip, a bit annoyed now because I'd like to be on my way.

"I'll only let you go if I can walk with you." He holds my body tighter, pressing into me. Suddenly I'm aware of the fluttery feeling lingering in my stomach.

"Fine, but let go of me." I hiss, feeling a little too vulnerable.

"Lead the way." He pulls off of me and gestures with his hand. Stepping out from behind the pillar I start down the hallway, and I'm painfully aware of him behind me. His eyes are burning into my back. A hot tingling sensation runs down my body.

He follows me silently down the stairs and through the common area. Careful not to make a ruckus, I unlock the door and breathe in the cold fresh air as I step out. The feeling of snow landing and melting of my face calms my nerves and soothes the angry bruises on it from earlier tonight.

"Where to now?" Liam asks as he brushes past me, my skin prickling from the brief touch.

I hate this.

"Anywhere." The fresh snow crunches underneath my feet as I slowly begin taking steps.

The moonlight and fires light the path in front of us, making the steam coming from our mouths as we exhale visible.

"The last time we walked this way I had to chase you down." He laughs.

'So why is it that you've been running from me this past month?" I ask the question that's been racking my brain.


"Do you think I'm weak? Unworthy of the, oh so powerful Liam?" I mock. "Did you think you could beat me easily?" the last part comes out as a hiss.

"No-" he sighs. "Seari, no. That's not why."

"Then why?" I step out in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because I know you're not weak, that you put your all into everything." he drags a hand over his face.

"What?" I'm stunned, because this is definitely not the explanation I was expecting.

"I knew you wouldn't back down, and I was worried I'd hurt you badly -" Liam begins explaining.

"You don't have to worry about hurting me," I sneer, cutting him off. "Look at yourself." I motion to the cut on his neck. "Treat me like any other cadet you spar with!" I'm shouting now, not a care in the world that I might wake someone.

"I can't." He raises his voice.

'Why not!?" 

I'm growing more and more frustrated, this was supposed to be my cool down walk, but now it's anything but that.

"Because you're not any other cadet, you're Saeri, you're you."

"And what's so special about Saeri?" I step closer to him.

'I don't know!" he says frustratedly. " You just are." He lifts his hand to cup my face. We stay like this for who knows how long, it could be seconds, or minutes. I glance up at the snowflakes landing and melting in his hair, then at his blue eyes, their shade perfectly matching the icy cold weather.

 A bolt of lighting and the drum of thunder has me jumping away from him.

I turn as nonchalantly as I can and clear my throat. "I hope you got that cut sanitized, my knives are clean, but better to be safe than sorry." I cross my fingers and hope he goes along with the change of topic. Too much has happened for me to process properly.

"I did." He nods, and begins to walk down the path. " How's your head, Feeling any better? Less dizzy, I hope."

"Yeah, no thanks to you." I scoff.

"Hey, I did what I had to do. Personally I think I got the worse end of it." He raises his brows.

"That I can't argue with." I laugh.

'So, what do you do after sneaking out?" He inquires.

"Walk, or fly." I respond.

"Fly?" He asks.

"Yeah. I'll sneak out with Beliz and we'll just fly around, We haven't gone too far, just far enough to not be spotted." I ramble.

"Next time you go out on one of these night flights knock on my door, the flight field is starting to get boring." Liam laughs.

I nod. "Maybe."

The snowfall is starting to die down, but it's chillier now. I turn to look at Liam as we walk down the path beside each other in silence, leaving a small amount of space between us. It's so small that if I were to step a few inches closer our arms would be touching. My eyes trace down his rebellion relic, I enjoy looking at it no matter how much I want to deny it. The way the swirls lick down his hand then cover the entirety of his arms, disappearing underneath his T-shirt.

Holy fuck he's wearing a T-shirt.

"Liam, You're not wearing a coat!" I snap my head up at him.

"You just noticed?" He gives me a lopsided smile.

"Yes." I admit embarrassedly. You'd think with the amount I've stared at him I would have noticed earlier. "We need to go back, you'll catch a cold, or worse."

"Now look at who's worried about who catching a cold." He teases.

"Seriously, why didn't you grab a coat before we came out." I nag, grabbing his hand and stomp back up the path.

"You were in such a hurry I didn't want to make you wait." he confesses.

"Honestly, you're so stupid. I would have waited." I protest.

"Would you have?" Liam asks.

"No, not then." I admit. "But now I will." I mutter.

"What was that?" He grins.


"Anyway, In my mind you were hot enough for the both of us so I didn't need a coat, just looking at you keeps me warm enough." He continues from beside me.

'What?" I almost trip over my own feet as I continue to walk.

"You heard what I said. It's dead silent outside, besides us talking."

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear what you said, actually."

'Whatever you say Sparky." He laughs. I'm too shocked to even tell him off for calling me that. 

I push the door in, holding it firmly so that the wind doesn't slam it. Once Liam is in, I close it and look around to make sure no one else is here. Then we make our way through the commons and up the stairs. A sharp tingles runs through my hands and feet as they begin to warm back up.

Liam trails behind me with soft footsteps as we walk down the hallway of our floor. Hopefully we don't wake anyone up. Explaining this situation would be difficult, not like it needs any explaining.

"Right, here we are." I stop in front of Liam's door. "I still don't understand how you didn't freeze to death out there." I sigh.

"I'm starting to think you really didn't hear what I said." He laughs.

"Don't be ridiculous." I scold.

He looks down at me and smiles. "Good night, Saeri."

"Good night." I look up at him, waiting for him to turn into his room, but he doesn't.

"You need to let go of my hand so I can go to bed." He says. "You can join me if you'd like, I'd have no objections. In fact I encourage the thought." Liam leans down toward me and smirks.

I'm horrified to realize that I've been holding his hand this whole time, dragging him after me. "Um-" I drop his hand from my hold and grip my pants for comfort. "Sorry... uh, yeah. Good night!" I stutter, then turn on my heel and hurry to my room almost passing it in my haste. As I move to open my door I see Liam still standing where I left him. Quickly, I step into my room pulling the door in and slam my back against the rough wooden surface. I slide down the door and stare into the distance. I can feel the heat in my cheeks and the butterflies in my stomach, along with something I haven't felt in a while.

"Fuck." I breathe out.

Burning Promise I a fourth wing ffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz