Caught off Guard

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Wind and snow rush past the dark windows of the sparring gym, rattling them violently, adding to the punching and grunting noises of the sparring Fourth Wing cadets .

I press my back against the cold brick wall, watching Ridoc spar with Quinn while I wait for a mat to clear. My eyes rake over everyone in the room and stop on him. It's been more than a month since he's joined our squad, and I still haven't had a chance to spar with him. Someone has either whisked him away from me, or he's walked away when I've tried to approach him in the gym. Not today, I will spar with him today. I'll drag him away from another person if I have to, or scream until he stops walking away from me. I don't care how it happens but I will spar with him tonight, whether he wants to or not.

With a hum, I push off the wall and make my way over to him with long strides. This is my chance. He's talking to one of our wingmates, back facing me, the perfect moment for an ambush.

Stepping behind him, I put on the kindest smile I can muster. "Liam?" I tap on his shoulder.

"Saeri?" He turns around, nonchalant as if he expected me to show up. It pisses me off that he knows I've been wanting to do this, but he keeps running away from me, but not this time. I caught him off guard.

"I was wondering if you wanted to spar?" I ask, but it's not a question and he knows it too well. "Since my usual partners are either dead or occupied. Plus I'm up for a little challenge if you are. Unless you're afraid of losing?" I taunt, giving him a little push. I don't think his pride will let him deny my request, even if he wanted to before.

He glances over to his friend, then turns, looking down at me. I hate that he's taller than me, he's literally and metaphorically looking down on me. I can see it in his eyes. Liam thinks he can beat me easily, especially after months of honing his fighting skills even further since our previous spar. It doesn't matter if I lose in the end, because by strength or by trickery, I won't go down easy. I'll prove him wrong.

"I don't see why not. And I'm not afraid of losing, Sparky." He smirks.

"Don't call me that." I sneer. "And don't try to run away from me this time." I push to my toes and lean into him, so that only he can hear my threat.

"How are we going to do this, only fists? Or all methods allowed?" He questions, leaning further toward me.

"All in." I smirk, then push his chest away from me. I glance over the room looking for an empty mat.

"Over there," Liam points with his head. "Come on Sparky." He moves toward a free mat across the room. I glare at his back, then follow him.

You can't kill him. Beliz feels as if he needs to remind me.

"I know I can't. Nothing says I can't injure him though."

The name suits you.

"What name?" I ask.

Sparky. Perhaps I should call you that too. Beliz laughs.

"Don't you dare." I hiss.

I step onto the black mat and take him in. His twisting rebellion relic, the way his T-shirt hugs his muscles, his intense gaze as he looks at me.

Despite it being cold outside it hot as fuck in here.

"One thing." He raises his hand. "You can't use your signet power, since I don't have mine yet. That would be unfair."

"It's not my fault Deigh hasn't started channelling to you yet." I scoff.

"Promise." He stares me down.

Burning Promise I a fourth wing ffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu