Everything and anything dragon

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"Morning Sunshine," I say through mouthfuls of food as Ridoc approaches our table. The current arrangement being me and Sawyer on one side, Rhiannon and Violet on the other. After I bumped into Violet last night we seem to be getting along better.

"Good day to you all," He replies with an obnoxiously pompous voice. 

"Violet you're on breakfast duty aren't you? Could you tell the kitchen to feed us actual food because I can't even guess what this is," He shudders, stabbing at his food with his fork.

"I can try, but no promises," she says, giving him a smile.

"I still don't understand why you willingly volunteered to take breakfast duty" I state.

"I like waking up early, it's quiet and there aren't many people around," she replies.

"You know what they say: Early dragon gets the flock," I Laugh. She returns with a quiet laugh.


"Keep the temperaments of each specific breed in mind when you decide which dragons to approach and which you want to run away from at Threshing," Professor Kaori says. It's after breakfast and we're sitting in a small classroom being introduced to everything and anything dragon related. Professor Kaori is an illusionist, which I've got to admit is pretty cool and surprised most of us this morning. He changes the current projection to a Red scorpiontail.

"Red scorpiontails, like Ghrian here, are the quickest to temper," Professor Kaori continues, his tidy moustache curving as he smiles at the illusion. The scribble of pens fill the room as we all begin writing.

"So if you offend him, you're-"

"Lunch," Ridoc says from my right, making the whole class laugh.

"Precisely. So what's the best way to approach a Red scorpiontail?" He glances around the room.

"You don't," I hear Rhi say from beside violet, getting a laugh out of us.

"They prefer that you approach from the left and from the front, if possible," someone from another squad answers.

"I wonder how many people got burnt to a crisp for them to find that out," I whisper.

"Excellent." Kaori nods, praising the girl. "For this threshing, there are three scorpiontails willing to bond.'' The images of three dragons appear on the table.

"How many dragons are there in total?" Rhiannon asks.

"A hundred for this year, but some might change their minds during presentation in about two months, depending on what they see,." he answers.

"That's thirty-seven fewer than last year," Violet exclaims. 

There are way more than a hundred of us, and nothing guarantees that we get a dragon, not even if we're the best.

"Yes, cadet Sorrengail, it is, and twenty-six fewer than the year before that." The number of riders grows each year, but there are fewer and fewer dragons willing to bond each year. The two situations contradict each other in the most unfortunate way.

"Will they tell you why they won't bond?" another first-year asks.

"No, jackass," Jack scoffs. " Dragons only talk to their bonded riders, just like they only give their full name to their bonded rider. You should know that by now," Jack gives the cadet a look.

"They don't share their reasons," Kaori replies curtly.

"Do the numbers affect the wards?" Aurelie asks from the row behind us.

"We're not sure. The number of bonded dragons have never affected the wards." Professor Kaori ticks his jaw and changes the image, deciding to move on from this conversation. The huge blue dragon from the first day appears.

"You won't have to worry about how to approach blue dragons, since there are none willing to bond this Threshing, but you should be able to recognize Sgaely if you see her,"

"So you can fucking run," Ridoc drawls once again making the class burst out in laughter.

"She's a blue daggertail, the rarest of the blues, and yes, if you see her without her bonded rider, you should definitely find somewhere else to be. Ruthless does not begin to describe her, nor does she abide by what we assume to be what dragon consider law. She even bonded with the relative of one of her previous riders, which you all know is typically forbidden, but Sgaeyl does whatever she wants. In fact, if you see any of the blues, don't approach them.Just..."

"Run," Ridoc repeats, raking his hand through his hair.

"Run," our instructor agrees with a smile. "There are a handful of other blues in active service, but you'll find them along the Esben mountains in the east, where the flying is most intense. They're all intimidating, but Sgaeyl is the most powerful of them all," He finishes.

"What about the black dragon?" someone asks.

Jack's face lights up. "I want that one."

"Not that it's going to matter." Kaori flicks his wrist changing the image to a massive black dragon. "But just to appease your curiosity, since this the only time you'll ever see him, here is the only other black dragon besides General Melgren's."

"He's huge," Rhiannon says. "And is that a clubtail?"

"No. A morningstartail. He has the same bludgeoning power of a clubtail but those spikes will eviscerate a person just as well as a daggertail."

"Best of both worlds," Jack calls out. "He looks like a killing machine." I roll my eyes. What a nice way to describe a dragon, a machine. If I was a dragon I would burn him to a crisp for that.

"He is," Kaori answers. "And honestly, I haven't seen him in years so this image is more than a little outdated. But since we have him up here, what can you tell me about black dragons?"

"They're the smartest and the most discerning, also the rarest." Violet calls out.

"Correct. They're also the most cunning. There's no such thing as outsmarting a black dragon. This one is a little over a hundred, which makes him middle-aged. He's revered as a battle dragon among their kind, and if not for him, we probably would have lost during the Tyrrish rebellion. Add to it that he's a morningstartail, and he's one one the deadliest dragons in Navarre." At the mention of the rebellion Liam and his rebellion relic flash through my mind.

"I bet he powers one hell of a signet. How do you approach him?" Jack asks leaning forwards in his seat.There's pure lust for power in his eyes.

"You don't." Kaori answers.


"So what do we think? Who's going to get what?" I ask as we walk through the halls.

"I think Sawyer will get a green, Rhiannon a blue one." He says.

"You'll probably get the black one Vi, you're the smartest person here." I continue

"First of all there are no blues willing to bond,Ridoc. Second the black one isn't bonding either, and even if he was I'd doubt he's chose me he's so...big and well I'm the opposite of big and strong," She deadpans.

" Never say never Vi. You heard Kaori, dragons can change their mind during presentation." I reply.

"You're going to get a red.I'm sure of that, especially after seeing your fight with Mairi yesterday. You should have seen your face after. You looked absolutely livid." Rhiannon laughs.

"Thanks for the reminder." I glare. "At least the challenges are starting today, that's something to look forward to before we get dragons." I say changing the topic.

"Yeah for you guys," Violet says with a worried look across her face.

"Hey, I'm not too keen on getting stabbed either, that's all Seari." Ridoc defends himself.

"Fucking asshole," I scowl at him. Only making everyone burst into laughter.

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