Challenge one

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I Stand beside Violet and Ridoc as I watch Rhiannon beat the ever loving shit of her opponent. It takes almost no time for her to get him in a head-lock, cutting off his air supply.

"She makes it look so easy," Violet says. She looks like she's going to throw up. I know the feeling all too well. The first three months of my training I couldn't even get onto the mat without throwing up from the nerves. It got better once I started learning more.

"He's going to try and kill you." Dain says. They're standing so close together that their elbows brush. Dain isn't all that bad, a tad bit over protective of Violet for sure, but he's head over heels for her. They really just need to get together. I look back to the mat and see Rhiannon taking the challenge dagger from her opponent who's passed out on the ground.

"Looks like this is mine now. Enjoy your nap." she pats him on the head making us all burst out in laughter.

"Not sure why you're laughing, Sorrengail," sneers Barlowe, appearing out of nowhere behind us.

"Oh fuck off Barlowe." I sigh. This kid is seriously obsessed with her.

"I honestly hope you win today's challenge. It would be a shame for someone else to kill you before I get the chance. But I wouldn't be surprised. Violets are such delicate...fragile things, you know." he says under his breath. If I didn't know better I'd think he was in love with her, my gods. 

I see two daggers whip past me. One nicks his ear the other landing a few inches from his balls. His eyes widen in fear.

"Ha, good one Violet," I laugh and give her a high five.

"Violet," Dain hisses. Right, I'm back to not liking him.

"You'll pay for that." Jack points and storms off. Dain begins to berate Violet for standing up for herself but I tune him out because I don't want to insult him, for violets sake.

"Badass," Rhiannon praises as she stands beside Violet.

"Finally someone who agrees with me," I breathe out.

"Stop encouraging her," Dain chastises us.

"Sorrengail,and Seifert. Eairan,and Aurelie '' Professor Emitterio interrupted our bickering by calling us to the mat. We wish each other good luck before going to our mats. I can't decide whether it's lucky or unlucky that my first challenge is against Aurelie. On one hand I've seen her fight giving me an advantage. On the other I know that she's really good and can probably beat my ass. We smile at each other as if we're not about to fight. We take a wide stance and start circling. I decide to move first and hit her with a punch to the jaw. She goes low aiming at my feet to try and kick them out from underneath me but I catch the move at the last second and move back. To late to knock her off balance though. Aurelie spins around me and kicks me in the back but I use the moment she gives me to smash my fist into the side of her face, disorienting her, giving me time to get back up. We begin circling each other again, this time she takes out a knife. Now this is exciting. I grab a smaller dagger and palm it in my hand. She lunges with the dagger pointed and I manage to avoid the worst of it but I can feel the hot sting of a cut down my upper arm as my blood begins to trickle. Before she can turn around I Punch between her shoulder blades and drag my dagger along her shoulder as she stumbles to recover. She lashes back just as vicious, the frustration now visible on her face. She drops her knife and opts to start throwing punches instead. I mirror the action and start blocking her punches. Suddenly she jumps at me, taking me to the ground with all her weight clinging onto me. Not technical, but effective enough to surprise me, giving her a chance to punch me in the jaw. I grab her back with my legs and squeeze her ribs with all the strength in my legs then rotate my hips disturbing her centre of gravity and flipping her on to her side.Quickly I roll her to her back grab her shirt and jab at her nose. I hear the satisfying crack of breaking bones and see the blood pool out of her nose. She kicks my stomach but I don't let go landing one last punch to her face knocking her out. I stand up chest heaving, drawing in breaths. I really need to get better and protecting my stomach or someone will eventually stab me there. Stooping down I take the challenge blade from its place on her right arm. I tap it on my hand then shove it beside one of my other blades.

"Okay you can't even say you didn't win this time she's out cold." Ridoc states, hitting my shoulder in congratulations.

"Did what you couldn't." I grin at him.

"Now that's uncalled for," He pouts.

"Hey, great job!" Rhiannon calls as she walks over.

"That was awesome, but you should go get your cuts checked out,looks pretty deep."Violet adds.

"I'll be sure to get them checked later, Thanks Vi."


The weeks soon come to a comfortable lull as we get used to our routine of going to classes, training, and doing chores. Of course there are the challenges, you win some you lose some. I end up earning quite a few challenge daggers, but also a few cuts and injuries along the way. The worst one was my shoulder popping out of it's spot after receiving a particularly nasty punch. As we spend more and more time together I end up getting to know Sawyer and Ridoc better, goofing around and doing stupid shit with them in our free time, we also hang around Rhiannon and Violet, studying and eating with them. All in all we've adjusted pretty well to Basgiath. Unfortunately I don't end up getting paired with Liam again,much to my dismay. I still need to finish that fight. I'll find a way eventually.

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