starcourt part 2 (Steve has no game)

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[y'all this was so good, I had to rewatch the second hand embarrassment scene multiple times and then I deleted all of my writing I'm actually gonna kms.]

It was the next day at scoops ahoy. Robin and Steve work tirelessly for minimum wage. "Alrighty one scoop of chocolate, that's a buck twenty five~" Steve said in a weak attempt to flirt with the pretty girl who was just minding her own business before she'd become a soon to be vicum of Steve trying to hard. She took the cone as she stood next to her friend. Steve leaned on the counter, with an attempted half-smirk flirty look.

He was totally staring at her, letting his eyes wander. "you uhhh..." He trails off trying to save himself from saying something stupid. She hands him a couple dollars and his eyes shoot back up to meet her own. He reads her shirt. "Purdue, fancy~" He was a nervous yapper, and the complement sounded better in his head. "Yeah I'm excited." The girl replied with a bubbly smile. It went down hill immediately after. "Yeahhh you know...I considered it.." Steve responded smiling, trying to sound impressive. he did not. "but then I was like, you know what i-i really think I need some real life know before I hit college..." He rambled on. The girls began to exchange glances. 

"see what it feels like, you uhh..I dunno...see what its like to earn a working mans wadge you kno- d- uuuuuh." He said nervously as the register began to ring at him, at this point he was sweating trying to redeem himself. "hold on, sorry. I think that's like really important." Steve said working the register. "yeah totally..." she responds.  "yeah anyways, this is like so fun." He mentally slaps himself as he grabs her change and attempts to hand it to her. "we should kinda like you know...I dunno maybe hang out this weekend..or" he said dropping some change. "ah- oh, sorry about that..." he fumbles as she gasps, but he continues. "uhh I dunno maybe next weekend er-" She cuts him off quickly. 

"Yeah..I'm busy." She said as her friend nods in agreement. "oh! oh, that's cool, I uh- yeah I'm working here next weekend so...tha- the following weekend is better for me." Steve said trying so desperately to save himself. "uh, no. I'm sorry I can't." The girl said in a passive aggressive way. "ok thanks." her friend said as they turned quickly to leave. "I...j- this is my...first day here..." he said once again trying to save himself as the girls walked out snickering.

Steve sighs, just waiting for Robin's response knowing she watched the whole thing. She slides out of the back with a large white board. "And another one bites the dust~" She said amused. "You are oh-four-six Popeye." She said drawing a tally under the words 'you suck' written on the board. "yeah, yeah, I can count." He said turning to face her. They bicker back and forth. He rambled on about how the company that he had to wear was the reason why he wasn't able to get a date. "Hey twelve o'clock" Robin said as Eleanor and Adria walked into the ice cream parlor for their weekend hangout. He tossed his hat to the side and whips around.

"Ahoy ladies!" He said in an overly cheerful and frankly aggressive manner. They jump back a little.  "Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain, Steve Harrington~ Would you like a taste of cherry jubilee? anybody?" Adria rolls her eyes, and Eleanor just tries to catch her breath from the suddenness of the moment. "Banana boat, two people two spoons?" He starts to ramble as Robin cringes watching the interaction.

She adds a tally to the 'you suck' side and then she walks out saving them from the horrid interaction. She pushes him to the side. Adria had been friends with Robin for a while since Robin knew all the drama about the band kids. "Hey" Robin said to the girls standing on the other side of the counter. the interaction didn't last long.


Eventually El and Adria left, Adria rolling her eyes. "You know he really has no game." She said stirring her bowl of ice cream around while they walked. "He's trying." El said fiddling with her hoodie strings. "No he's desperate, its obvious." Adria responded in a dismissive way. "Whatever~" El mumbled to quiet for Adria to catch.

Meanwhile Robin was bullying him about his over aggressiveness, and terrible flirting skills.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 28 ⏰

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