starcourt part 1

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Hawkins Indiana, 1984.

It was a fairly busy day for the employees of scoops ahoy. Chattering teens wanting a place to hang out, little kids and their family's wanting a treat, and Steve desperately trying to get a date. That was your typical day at scoops. Steve was in the back, and Robin was at the counter

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

The counter bell rang aggressively. "Hey dingus your children are here!" Robin yelled to Steve as he slid open the sliding window. He cocked his head to the side and sighed. "Seriously again?" He sighed again as Mike wheeler, one of the many kids in the group standing In Front of the counter rang the bell again as a response.

He walks the four kids to the back and leads them to the entrance of the back hallway. They usually went to Steve when they had to sneak into the theater on the other side of the mall, or get somewhere quickly. "And remember if you tell anyone about this-" The group of kids cut him off, "were dead. we know" they say in unison as they hurriedly made there way down the hall to make a quick entrance to the mall. 


Eleanor and Adria had just made their way to scoops. It was their usual hangout spot. It was the only place el's aunt trusted her enough to go to anyway, though they had a habit of breaking the rule and going to other parts of the mall. El always made Adria order for her while she waited outside. 

Adria headed inside and chatted with Robin for a second before the power went out. Everyone froze in their tracks, waiting for a couple minutes before ultimately walking out of scoops in defeat. Adria stood In front of the counter as her and Robin continued chatting despite the lights being totally out. "That's weird?" Steve stated confusingly looking around like an idiot before deciding to walk over to the light switch. click click. 

Robin walked over to Steve as adria stood there. "will you knock it off?" Adria said half annoyed by the sound. "That's not gonna work dingus." Robin told Steve whilst looking at him like he was stupid.

"oh yeah?" He shot back. 


Adria rolled her eyes, and El walked into scoops cautiously joining adria In front of the counter. el didn't know steve or Robin, but she was too bored to wait outside so she assumed they were adria's friends and walked over.

Not even two minutes later the power came back on and everyone went about their day. conveniently Steve had hit the switch at that exact moment. "let there be light." he said to Robin with a smug look, shrugging.  

Adria rolled her eyes, and paid for the ice cream as El admired the sailor-esque decor of the parlor. Her eyes wandered from the ceiling, to the wall, to the boy in a sailor uniform behind the

Before she knew it Adria was dragging her by the wrist out of the parlor. "Come on we have a movie to watch!" She said as they pushed through the crowds of people, making their way to the theater. They walked in, Adria pushing past people and El saying sorry and excuse me to everyone of them. That's how their night ended...

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