No sleep for the wicked

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'Crap' Tony's eyes dart away from the window and over to the corner of the table where He was now standing

"Tony! How are you?"

Tony shifted in his seat "I'm fine, how are you doing Grinch?" He said with the same warmth in his voice as there was outside

"I'm doing great actually, it's been so long"

"Four years" Tony pushed away his plate, he had lost the little appetite he had

"Yeah" Grinch looked over at Mable who was cleaning the counter with a well used rag "rootbeer please Mable" he sat down, inviting himself to the table

Mable smiled "of course Mr Grinch"

Tony cocked his eyebrow but wasn't surprised, The Grinch did whatever he wanted without asking or caring, just like always

"So, what brings you back to this old place? Nostalgia? Holiday spirit?"

"Car troubles. Broke down outside of town"

"Oh that sucks, Lou helping you out?" He smiled as Mable put his rootbeer down in front of him.

"Yeah, it's gonna take a few days to get the part he needs" Tony tapped his claw on the table, a nervous tic of his. How could he even look at him after what happened? Why did Grinch think talking to him like they're neighbours would be a good idea? He'd had root canals that were more relaxing than this, and more fun to be frank.

"Lou's a good guy, he's got a degree in engineering"

Tony nods, he looked out of the window, it felt as though fifty more plates had need added to his chest "Mable can I get my bill?"

Grinch looked almost disappointed "have you got a place to stay?"


"Good, it's gonna hit below freezing tonight"

Tony nods and smiles as Mable puts the bill down, greatfull for the interuption

"Why don't you let me get that, for old times sake?"

"I'm perfectly capable of paying for myself Grinch" Tony stated, taking out his wallet and paying.

"Ok, well I'll see you around" Grinch smiles at him "Merry Christmas"

Tony, who was just standing up narrowed his eyes in surprise "merry Christmas." He turns and leaves, stepping out into the cold.


The icy wind whistled and small bells on wreaths and garlands rang as Tony plodded his way through the snow. His heart ached and so did his stomach, his ears stang from the cold. He looked around, no more carolers, no more children or families. It was just him.

He made his way back to the BnB and meakly slinked his way inside.

"Did you have a nice dinner dear?" Sue chirped from her seat at the desk

"It was fantastic" Tony grumbled, making his way to his room.

Tony closed his door and sighed, placing his forehead against the door, he not so gently hit his head against the door over and over 'why?? Just why? Why now? He was just getting over what happened and now' his train of thought was de-railed when he saw a small trey of chocolate chip cookies on his side table that wasn't there when he had left.

Tony moved from the door and flumped down onto the bed. He inspected the trey carefully, it featured Santa and his wife baking cookies on it, how appropriate. Next to the plate there was a little post it note;

'I can see that the bounce has gone from your bungee, I thought these might make you feel better -Sue'

He caught himself smiling at the note, the people here were so nice, well most of them that is. Tony sighed again and layed down, staring up at the ceiling this time for a change. It felt like the world was spinning out of control again, out of his grasp. The back of his throat stang and his whole body felt heavy, he hadn't realised it but he had been holding back tears the entire time, it was only now that they started to well up in his eyes.
'I should have gotten out and pushed my car to the next town' he thought to himself, half joking.

Tony stared at the ceiling until his eyes stang too much from the tears, then he let them flow. He silently sobbed, staring at the ceiling.


A clink from the radiator brought Tony back to reality, he groand and looked over at the clock on the wall that was wrapped in tinsel 'how was it already 2am?' he rubbed his eyes now red from crying. His stomach grumbled and he sat up, turning his attention back to the cookies. Tony quietly ate his cookies in bed, trying not to think about what had happened.

He looked out of the window and watched the large chunks of snow drift past, he was mentally and physically tired but as much as he tried he just couldn't fall a sleep. All he could do was sit up in bed thinking about the long night ahead of him.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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