The tiger who came to dinner

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Tony grumbled as he slowly slid on his jacket, exiting the BnB. He nodded in Sue's direction as he left "have a nice time dear!" She practically sang as she sat at the beautifully decorated front desk, knitting.

His first step into the street proved to be the hardest, he had to fight the urge to immediately retreat back into the building as the harsh evening wind sliced at him, causing his exposed face to tingle and sting.

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the now crumpled map, he could see a few close restaurants: The beast's tail, Hungry Who's, Moo Who's happy house witch looked like a kids fast food place and La Whó. The last one stabbed at his already aching heart, that was where they had their first- no. It was far too painful. He quickly decided on Hungry Who's and set off, every step the crisp sound of snow crunched beneath his large, clawed feet.

Tony walked through the town square witch was now not half as busy. There was now only a few Who's out, some were knocking on doors and singing Christmas songs. Their harmonic voices rang down the well lit street and echoed in his ears. As he walked past the garland clad staircase they were stood on Tony looked at the little group, they were young adult Who's happily belting 'joyous whoovilation'. He smiled to himself softly as he saw one reach for another's hand, gently holding it like it was the most precious thing in the world. To the who it probably was. Tony's heart and stomach aches as he tore his eyes away from the carolers and plodded on.

He soon found the brightly lit building of Hungry Who's and ducked inside, a gust of warm air hit him like a sack of bricks. He entered the dining area and found himself a booth, the table was sticky and the leather was cold but it was far better than outside.

It was more of a diner than a restaurant but the atmosphere was comfortable, there were only a few customers here and they were mostly older couples. The oddly shaped jukebox in the corner was playing a band Tony had never heard but he enjoyed it none the same and the smell of burgers and eggs fill the air.

A lady in a baby blue apron, yellow shirt and hoop earrings walked over to his booth "hi there my name is Mable can I take your order?"

Tony flipped through the menu "uh can I have a burger with a side of fried who hash and fries?"

Mable noted down his order with a smile "anything else I can get you?"

"Lemonade please" Tony closed the menu

"That'll be right out" Mable smiled and walked to the kitchen

Tony sighed to himself and looked out the window, snow was falling in big clumps, looked like he had gotten inside in time. A group of children ran down the street in their winter hats and scarves, followed by two parents who looked exhausted and were covered in snow, clearly the victims of a snowball attack.

He absent mindedly fiddled with one of the sugar packets on his table. Being here felt so weird, everything felt the same but so different at the same time. He felt so different. It had been a few years but some of the memories were as clear as yesterday. Tony found himself keeping an eye out for him, what if he showed up? What would he say? Hopefully he wouldn't recognize him, but then again he was the only tiger in town. Maybe the angry green cactus would just ignore him, he never was a talker unless you said something that bruised his fragile ego.

Tony twirls the sugar packet in his hand as the pit in his stomach grew deeper and the pressure on his chest grew heavier like there was a whole heard of elephants stomping on his chest. He manages to fight back tears has a burning feeling bursts in his chest, it was all too much, the memories, the cold. Everything.

"Here's your food sweetheart" Mable placed his food in front of him, startling Tony away from his daydream.

"Oh uh thanks" he muttered as Mable walked away, heading towards a frail looking elderly man with a empty glass in his hand. Tony stared at his food, he wasn't hungry anymore but he couldn't do anything about it.

He gingerly picked up a fry and nibbed at it, the heat burning his tongue. He sipped his lemonade, causing his damaged taste buds to sting. Tony tried a few more fries, not being able to shake the all engrossing feeling in the pit of his stomach that something bad was going to happen.


Tony was halfway through his fried who hash and day dreaming when the entrance bell in the door chimed, he barely noticed as someone walked his way, walking past and then double taking. Then one thing broke him out of his dissociation a very fermilier voice "Tony??"

(Sorry for the lack of updates, my dad died and I was in a car crash, ya know the normal wattpad writer things)

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