chapter 1

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[ Nicolette's POV | November 1994 ]

As the soothing fragrance enveloped me, I gently opened my eyes

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As the soothing fragrance enveloped me, I gently opened my eyes. My surroundings were a haze, but amidst it stood a figure with tousled locks of dirty blonde to grey hair. Beside him, a masculine presence draped in a pristine white cloak. Their murmured conversation was interrupted by the entrance of a petite, briskly walking brunette. Ah, it all clicked into place—I was in the hospital.

Exhaling shakily, I emitted a soft sound.

"Mother?" It was the first word to escape my lips, my vision gradually sharpening.

Instantly, all attention shifted towards me.

"Oh, sweetheart," her voice carried warmth and relief.

Her eyes filled with concern as she approached, her voice trembling slightly.

"Did I faint again?" I asked her. My mother nodded softly and hugged me.

As I struggled to regain my bearings, my mother's reassuring touch grounded me. "It's going to be okay," she whispered her words a soothing balm to my frazzled nerves.

Ugh, how I hated it. I have a weak kidney condition which made me prone to fainting easily. Being the only part of the "triplet," consisting of Georgette, Bridget, and me, is certainly not fun. Georgette was born perfect, with no diseases afflicting her. The same goes for Bridget. I am starting to feel like an odd one out.

Despite my weakness, I have something I excel at—academics. I've never been good at sports due to my weak immune system, so academics are my forte. At least, that's what my father always says. He's always been a strict, traditional, and forceful man. I can't even fathom how my mother, Bernadette, managed to fall for him.

As I embraced my mother again for emotional support, my father exited the room along with the doctor.

"Pierre is here," my mother said. Oh, how wonderful. Pierre is my boyfriend. We've been together for 8 months, meaning we got together during 11th grade. I am currently in 12th grade, in the middle of my first semester. Pierre has always been there for me, supporting me through thick and thin. We've been through a lot together, facing our ups and downs as a team, studying together, and serving as each other's support system.

With a sense of comfort washing over me at the mention of Pierre's name, I felt a wave of relief flood my senses. Despite the challenges I faced, having Pierre by my side made everything seem more manageable.

As he entered the room, his warm smile instantly lifted my spirits. His presence alone brought a sense of calmness, grounding me in uncertainty. I reached out for his hand, feeling the familiar reassurance of his touch.

"Pierre," I greeted him with a soft smile, grateful for his unwavering support.

He returned the gesture, squeezing my hand gently. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice.

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