Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

I looked at the last thing I sent her, I just don't get what she sees in him, anyways we haven't really talked for around a good two months, I've been seeing her around Marie more often. I let out an exasperated sigh. Elsie why...

January 4 2024

-Hey, girl how are you???

Hmmm good-

-Nicee oh btw guess what!!!

Oooh what??-

-Dayn talked to me today vnfvfei


I put my phone down, "Life has been rough lately..." I mutter to myself.

Elsie POV:

I rest my head on the cold glass of the window and look out, I must hang out with her It has all been so tiring, keeping up this act with Marie, I just want to be with Rosa...

I suddenly feel a frantic tap on my shoulder. "Elsie?? ELSIE." I could hear the teacher shout, I straighten my posture and turn my head towards the teacher, I open my mouth to speak, but my voice gets drowned out by the sounds of the laughter, all their eyes looking at me, I can't...I can't.

I turn to Marie for help, but she sits there snickering with them. With them.

My vision blurs, I start feeling someone pulling my arm up, I can't see them...through the tears, who...who is it??? They are dragging me outside the classroom away from the laughing, the mean words. Suddenly everything goes dark.

Rosa POV:

I grip tightly onto my bag as I enter through the gates, I made sure to properly bandage my knee, so although I'm limping slightly it's probably not that noticeable anyway. I hope.

I feel a drip, then another onto my shoulder, and look up to the sky. "Raining huh...?". I raise my bag so it's over my head and start speed walking inside. I enter the main reception to sign in quickly when I hear a small whimper of pain coming from a nearby room, curious I walk towards the source of the sound, the...janitors' closet? I open the door. I drop my bag; it hits the ground with a thud.

"E-Elsie...?" I call out to her, I quickly crouch down and hold her head up, I raise two fingers to her neck to check for a pulse, I sigh in relief as I feel it beating. Despite her looking cold and pale, she's fine...I shake my head, I must help her.

I quickly pick her up with my two arms and call for the receptionists to help.

??? POV:

I watch as they all rush to help her. This is why. I can't be trusted around anyone, I just hurt them all. Turn them all cold as ice, and as pale and white as a ghost.

Surprisingly the person I bumped into earlier, didn't get affected at all by my touch. Hm.

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