1. The meeting

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Honey dayes

"Girl, Darius is getting out of prison," Monica blurted out randomly as we sat down for lunch since it was my birthday.

"Wait, what? No, that can't be…he's only been in there for a while. he can't be out he deadass murdered his folks" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Well, I mean, he was just 10 years old when he did that,"

"That's no excuse," I scoffed. "Didn't he kill his adoptive parents or something? And also how often do you hear bout 10 year olds killing people."

"It was his adoptive dad and his real mother," Monica broke it down " but like half of the murder was technically a mistake," she shrugged.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, remember his parents were physically fighting, he wanted to protect his mom and he grabbed his dad's gun, trying to shoot his dad sadly he shot his mother by mistake.

In anger, he shot his dad and stabbed him 79 times, which was basically an overkill cause 79 times is crazy" Monica explained as I felt my stomach turn in pure disgust.

"I don't even want this food anymore," I stated, sliding my plate away.

"And this was all done by a 10-year-old?" I asked, seeking confirmation because this whole case made me uneasy


"So how is it possible for him to be released so soon?" I asked as I leaned closer to her.

"Well, it was a case of murder and self-defense, so even though he was just 10 years old at the time, he was sentenced to 20 years, with 5 years suspended and 5 years on parole," she explained.

"Could you break that down for me?" I  asked trying to understand the complexity of the situation.

"So basically, he was initially given a 20-year sentence. He served 10 years in juvenile detention and prison, then he will spend the next 5 years on parole, and the final 5 years will only be served if he commits another crime and that could be any crime and he'll be back to serve 5 years" Monica shrugged.

"Any crime."I raised my brow.

"Yea any crime, he could slap a man and he's doing 5 years for that slap, any offence he commits he will spend 5 years back in the cell."

Monica knew all the ins and out of the case in the details because she had a close childhood connection with Darius, as he was best friends with her brother Brandon back in the day.

"So, he must be around 20 years old now?"

"Yes, it's actually his birthday today. You and Darius share a birthday and it's crazy how he's getting released on his birthday" Monica chuckled.

"Let's not talk about him I'm actually done" I narrowed my brows, not willing to carry on discussing the unfortunate matter any further.

"Fine. I just thought you should know he's getting let out today, so if you happen to see him, give him a hug," she joked.

"That's not funny," I rolled my eyes. "I am genuinely terrified of him."

"Okay, I apologise" she put her hands up in defense. "Let's get going, I'm gonna give you a ride home. Happy birthday, bestie" Monica said as she embraced me in a warm hug.

Leaving the busy café, we hopped into her car, and she drove me back to my apartment. The busy city did it's thing while we chatted it up as girlfriends.

Eventually we got there and we walked towards the elevator. The familiar ding dinged as we reached the third floor where my apartment was .

We hadn't even bothered to go inside, we continued our conversation outside my door just chatting it up.

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