Chapter 3

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Author's P.O.V

Panchali stumbled while she ran down the corridors towards the auditorium of her University...
She greeted her teachers and went to sit with her friends, Rose, Lily and Priya.....

Everyone greeted the Chancellor and soon the assembly began.....

After a few minutes

The Chancellor stood up, his face held down in shame and disappointment, as he stood in front of the mic and announced "This university now no more belongs to me, from now onwards belongs to the Mafia kings.... everyone stand up and greet them..!"

The whole auditorium stood up in chaos and the next moment there was pin drop silence as they saw the deadly eyes of the Mafia's, many were trembling in fear, many were almost crying, and many were praying to God, but only one person, just one person was looking at them with an unknown feeling rising in her heart, as her heartbeat increased, she felt as though she knew those 5, as though they were made just for her...She was none other than Panchali who looked at the 5 dangerous people ahead of her lost in another world but was brought back by the voice of Arjun who looked at the students with his cold eyes and spoke which sent shivers down the spine of every student. He said "From now on new rules and regulations will be followed in the university. If anyone dares to break any rule they will get the worst punishment one has ever seen... Now you may all leave without making a single noise." The students slowly moved out trying their best not to make a single sound.... Once the auditorium was empty Nakul burst out laughing followed by the rest while Yudhishitir said "I hope Panchali is present today....!" they left for the Chancellor's office......

IN-ROOM NO:- 143

Every student let out a deep sigh of relief, everyone was making chaos about the new owners of the university whereas Panchali was still smiling and lost somewhere else..... Suddenly the entire room fell silent, pin drop silence.....! All the students stood up and bowed as the Mafia's made their way to the classroom.... Panchali was sitting in the first row with her friends and was still lost in somewhere, Lily was trying to bring her back to Earth but was stopped by Bheem! Panchali blinked once then twice and Rose whisphered "Welcome back to real world....!" Panchali stood up her heartbeat increasing with every passing momment... She bowed down multiple times infront of the Mafia's who bit back a chuckle which was threatening to escape.... 

Sahdev gestured everyone to sit, and they started having a friendly conversation with the students while taking a glace of Panchali every few seconds. Soon they left for the next class but before doing so they asked Panchali to meet them in their office after dispersel....

Sorry for the late update guzz! But I promise u my next update will be faster.... 

Anyways any guesses why the Mafia's called Panchali to their office? LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS.......




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