Chapter Sixty Six

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Chapter Sixty Six

Lily threw her book across the room, buried her face in a cushion and screamed.

"Are you alright?" James called from the kitchen. "Are you being murdered?"

"I wish," she replied. Moments later he appeared in the doorway; Lily had draped her head over the arm of the sofa, and he moved forwards, burying his hands in her hair and massaging her head. "Why? I don't want you to be murdered."

"I'm so bored James," she groaned, dragging her hands across her face. "Let's go out somewhere."

James grinned, barely restraining himself from dancing with happiness. "What about Harry?" he asked eventually.

"Let Cassie and Sirius have some quality time with him."

"Right. I'll let Sirius know that his services are required." He sprinted upstairs and grabbed his mirror from the bathroom. "Sirius," he hissed into it. Slowly his best friend's face formed and he winked at James. "You called?"

"Lily and I are escaping this hell hole. How soon can you and Cassie come over and look after Harry?"

Sirius looked down, past the bottom of the mirror, and then back up again. His face scrunched up as he calculated how much time he would need. "Give me... five minutes to get dressed-"

"You're naked, aren't you?" James sighed. Sirius moved the mirror and James rolled his eyes. "Yes thank you Padfoot, that was exactly what I wanted to see." Sirius winked again and continued talking. "It's very hot here alright Prongs."

"It's the middle of winter."

"I am very hot though. Anyway, five minutes to get dressed... probably ten minutes to shower, shave and brush my teeth... Wait I'll give Cassie some advance warning. Let's say we'll be here in like half an hour."

His face dissolved and James headed back downstairs to where Lily was lying prone on the sofa. "Right he says he'll be there in half an hour or so."

"That was a very fast owl," Lily mumbled into the cushion.

"Well er... you know Sirius and I... Telepathic connection and all that."

"Please... you two are worryingly synchronised but you're not telepathic. Unless using enchanted mirrors counts, which I am certain that it does not."

James stared at her and furrowed his brow. "How did you know about those?"Had Lily been facing upwards, he would have seen her roll her eyes. "Please James, I can hear you two talking when you're shaving; I'm not stupid. Also once Sirius appeared when I was in the bath."

"He never told me about that," James yelped.

"He didn't see me - I just heard him going 'Prongs? James? Where are you? Oh bugger...' and then he vanished. Didn't really take long after that to put two and two together."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," he said. He had wanted to, and so had Sirius, but neither of them had thought that it was a good idea; as they had both pointed out at separate times, Sirius had pinched them from his house when he found them at the back of the chest of drawers in his drawing room the one summer that he didn't spend all his time at the Potters. "Sirius found them in his house. We thought you'd be worried about us using stuff which could be cursed."

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I probably would have yelled at you if you had cursed yourself but somehow you're still alive so I'll let it slide." She smiled at him and he grinned back. "I so nearly screamed at you when I was in the bath though - Sirius freaked me out. I was just minding my own business and then I heard him start talking and I swear I nearly died. But then I thought I'd keep quiet about it and use it when I most needed it."

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