How the matter started

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A family is a group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption. They are expected to stick together but a certain family in California called the McTyfrie.We start off when a girl named Becky was born into the McTyfrie family. In the matrimonial home of Gina and Henry, Becky's parents, there was NO love, like, AT ALL. They always had one problem to another which always disturbed them. You see, they had an extended family because Gina's mom had 12 kids and Henry's mom had 7 so there was a lot of reproduction and a lot of people in the family. There was a lot of betrayal and mistrust that was ripping the family apart. Okay lets start from when Gina and Henry were about to have a child. As usual, Becky came out of her mother's womb like any other baby. Gina and Henry were happy but there was only one problem, THEY WERE SUPER POOR. Because of this, Gina and Henry always argued about money and how to bring up Becky. Gina's mom, Polly, was very angry with Gina because at first, Polly was skeptical about Gina and Henry's union but Gina didn't listen to her mom "See Gina, I told you not to marry that freeloader. Now look at what has happened to you" Mrs Poly said in disgust"NO, I love Henry and he loves me. I don't want you to judge me. I made the right decision" Gina said and Mrs Polly was stunned"Wait until your father hears about this" Mrs Polly said, took her bag and left the house. Gina went to her room and starts regretting her decisions in life.As Becky turns 5, the family struggles for money to put her into a school, they settle for putting her in a public school. They managed to save enogh money and since they started to save at that time, the money would be more than enough for the school.One year later, Becky was 6 and was transferred to her elementary school where it became Gina and Henry's worst nightmare in two ways. The first was that Becky would come back from school everyday with scratches and bruises.The first day that Becky came back with the injuries Gina was angry "Becky, what happened" Gina asked"Rose did this to me" Becky said tearfullyGina called the principal and he assured her that Rose would be punished but the next day, Becky came with bruises worst that the other day. Gina noticed, the more she complained, the more Becky would get hurt and she couldn't withdraw her from the school because that was the only school that had very cheap fee so she had no other choice but the continue enrolling her in school.The second one was that Gina's mother would always come to Gina's house to continue repeating the success story of her younger siblings.One time she came to remind Gina about Maddie's success story."You see Gina, Your younger sister Maddie is driving a very expensive car, using iPhone 15 pro max, owns multiple house ALL over the state and has married a very successful engineer while you are all eating one meal a day. You Idiot. You should go BEG your sister for money because you are wearing RAGS and eating TRASH" Mrs Polly said and walked away. Gina started crying about her failure in life blaming HERSELF for her misfortune.After all these events, Gina always had a lot of thoughts going through her mind and for days. This cause hypertension and made her to end up at the hospital. Henry was very sad because he had no money for her treatment. This made him to work four jobs and when his bosses heard his story, they gave him a lot of wages and raises but this didn't even help for the bills. He raised 5 thousand dollars but the bill was 30 thousand dollars. When Henry actually raised the money, Gina's condition worsened and she needed an expensive operation in four months or she would die. The surgery was one hundred thousand dollars. When Becky stopped seeing her mom and ask her dad, Henry, He would just say"Your mum is just out on her job for a very long time and is getting a lot of money". Becky, as a little child at that time, would believe but one day, Henry's journal was unlocked and Becky started reading it and there she realized the truth. Her mother was going to die. She was devastated and tried something amazing in the morning. When she woke up, she went to her grandmother, Polly, if she would be interested but her Mrs Polly just laughed"That stupid girl has finally said her last words. She would die" Mrs Polly said and started laughing."No, My mum is not stupid and she will survived.........Your the one that's stupid" Becky said and immediately covered her mouth. "Why you little....." Mrs Polly said, took off one of her shoes and attempted to throw it at Becky but she dodged right in time. Becky then went to Maddie's house and was stunned to see her house. As Maddie opened the door, she was excited."Oh Becky, nice to see you here. Oh did you come all the way here?" Maddie said "Yes Aunt Maddie and I come to ask for something" Becky said and shifted uncomfortably. "Anything my dear" Maddie replied "Well, Mom's in the hospital and dad is struggling with her expensive medical bills so........." Becky said and stopped and Maddie totally understood "Oh yes. Here is thirty thousand and a hundred dollars. Use the hundred dollars for a snack and the thirty thousand dollars for the bills" Maddie said and gave her the money in a black suitcase. "Oh thank you so much Aunty" Becky said and started to sob"Oh don't cry" Maddie said and comforted her"No no no, It's Gramma, she chased me when I asked" Becky said and Maddie's heart melted "Oh my gosh, Sorry little angel. Okay now, Go and give the money to your dad" Maddie said and Becky went back to her father's house.When she got home, Becky gave her father the money and he was shocked"Where did you get this money?" Henry asked"I asked Aunt Maddie for it so mum can come back home from the hospital" Becky said and Henry hugged her"Thank you my little pumpkin" Henry said and transferred that money to the hospital. The next day, Gina came back from the hospital and Henry told her about how Becky went to Maddie and getting money for her treatment. Gina was very grateful to Maddie but was just too proud to bring herself down to thank Maddie. Now, they struggle for survival and ignores her mother and focuses on getting money. They didn't earn so much but had enough to do the basic and little of the secondary needs.After two months, Mrs Polly had come down to a serious sickness and all 12 of her kids contributed massively except Gina. Even without Gina's contribution, Mrs Polly had a terrible blood loss and her blood type was unknown and it was only Gina that had negative O blood. She refused to donate which cause very serious conflict because I know what your thinking, can't they just buy some? well, to ship the blood, it will take 3 months. That long with so little blood would kill her.The conflict was so serious that Gina was forced to give her the blood and she reluctantly did that. Mrs Polly recovered but was very angry.The next day, Tommy, Gina's brother, came in FUMING."How dare you call my wife a pig" Tommy roared. "I never did genius" Gina said. "Don't play with me or else you'll regret it" Tommy said and walked out of the house. After 2 days, Maddie, Hank and Janelle came in when Gina was enjoying her day"How could you do this to our frail mother" Janelle roared"What did I do this time?" Gina yelled"You broke mom's leg" Hank roared"She said because you gave your blood out unwillingly" Janelle added and suddenly, there was a moody atmosphere. "Well.........I did give out the blood unwillingly but I didn't break her leg. I swear it" Gina said but no one bought it."Now, She's on a wheelchair cause of your hatred you b*tch" Maddie said "Watch your mouth. I am STILL your elder sister" Gina roared and they all broke into a fight. There was yelling and exchange of insults by the adults until Becky comes in."Mommy, w-w-why are you fighting with Aunty Maddie and uncle Hank" Becky said "Oh no honey, It's just a misunderstanding" Gina said and faked a smile"Uh......Okay but please don't shout at each other, You guys are families" Becky said and went into the house. This fight continued until the next day without it being resolved. After 4 years, The family members were avoiding themselves which lead to a very serious situation in Becky's life.

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