Page 63: Karui

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Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Author's Note: Hello everyone. Recently StikyfinkaZ-003 has created a group dedicated to Eroninja, and while I do plan to post the Main Story of there, since I'd hate to see the group shut down or suspended, I figured I'd come up with a way to make my own contributions. Hence, the Little Black Book series, it'll be a bunch of short stories giving insights into characters that have yet to really appear. It'll jump around chronologically quite a bit since the series will kind of depend on what I feel like writing, but I'll try to give some idea of when the events are taking place. Also, with it depending on my muse don't expect a lot of quick updates since I'll be concentrating on both Eroninja and Eroninja: Limelight.

Eronija: Little Black Book

Chapter 1: Page 63: Karui

Takes place around halfway through chapter 56. Also, some spoilers for what happens in 56 can be found at the end. If you reach the part with Tsunade and Kiyomi and don't want to know what will be happening then stop reading

Kin sat hunched over the Little Black Book as she and Rin called the new Bingo Book that they were working out of in their task of gathering intelligence on potential targets. A task which they had taken over as Tayuya had become Koyuki's manager in order to help infiltrate Iwa by filming her next movie in Earth Country. The two kunoichi rather than splitting up, had decided the best way to accomplish their goal was to work in tandem. Therefore, they each would observe a particular target through various means.

The book they were using differed from the one that Tsunade had provided for Tayuya in that it abandoned the concept of dividing women into the category of Wants and Needs. The reason for this was due to women like Tsunami, who although would have fallen into the Want category, had proven to be as passionate about Naruto's ambition as any of the women that were originally tagged as Needs for it to be accomplished.

Kin knew she and Rin counted themselves in that category of Naruto's lovers as well. She smiled as she thought about the upcoming grand opening of the Whirling Tides Manor, where both Rin and she would be working as caterers. Kin figured it would be a grand opportunity for both of Naruto's talent scouts, as Tayuya had christened the position they held, to get eyes on some of the rulers of the many countries that made up the Elemental Nations.

However, the event was still a couple of weeks away so Kin's thoughts returned to the woman that they were currently observing who was a Kumogakure kunoichi named Karui. Kin had the fun job of working as a waitress at a local watering hole. While Rin was working at a Hot-Spring that most of the kunoichi in the village favored, including their target. Kin thought about some of her observations and concluded that for the most part Karui was a tomboy who considered herself one of the guys. Whenever the shinobi of the village gathered, Karui would drink and celebrate as hard as any of the men there. She also had something of a temper being the cause of more than one brawl at the bar. Generally, they were caused as she tried to hit her teammate Omoi with whatever she had available which he often would dodge causing her to hit someone else. Most times, she would quickly apologize, but should the unintended target mouth off, she'd quickly get in that person's face as well.

Yet, despite her tomboyish attitude there was a certain part of her that wanted a handsome young man to come in and sweep her off her feet. Kin had seen more than a few men try to approach Karui, but they always did so like she was a tomboy, who while not into women, they thought she would treat sex as a casual proposition.

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