Ahyeon is finally back!

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All the members practiced a lot for the MV shooting.. A few days passed but one day...

Chiquita had woken up really early because it was her birthday that day... But she was kinda disappointed because it was her first time celebrating without Ahyeon or was it?

So, she took almost an hour to get ready and left to the practice room to talk to the other members.. She entered the practice room but it was filled with darkness with no lights on.. She was confused..

Chiquita: Weren't all the members supposed to be here already? It's ok then I'll wait..

Then when she switched on the light of the practice room but to her surprise she saw the members cheering and singing happy birthday to her! When she entered the room she saw cakes and many of her favorite snacks. 

Rora: Happy birthdayy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rami: But.. There's a surprise for you.

Ruka: A really special surprise for you.

Asa: Ya.. Very very special...

Chiquita: Ok what is it?

Pharita: You need to close your eyes. 

Chiquita: Done!

They all took Chiquita somewhere....

Rami: You can open your eyes Chiquita..!!!!!!

When Chiquita opened her eyes.. She sawwwwwwwwwwwwww...................

Chiquita: Unnie? You? But when did you come?

Ahyeon: Yea. Me.. I came yesterday evening but I decided to surprise you on your birthday..

Chiquita: Are you fine now?

Ahyeon: Yes.. Don't worry...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chiquita: Ok!

Ahyeon: I hope you like my gift....

Chiquita: Ok!

Ahyeon shows a memory chart on both of them together.... And gives her a little keychain that Ahyeon thinks that it looked just like her..

Chiquita: Thanks unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahyeon: No problem..

Chiquita: Yayyyy!!!!!!! We both are back again together a teammmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahyeon: True!

Chiquita and Ahyeon hug eachother... As they had missed eachother a lot!

All the members were so happy to see them back again...

Hi! How did you feel about this chapter? I hope it's good. But it's kinda short so I hope you all dont minnnd!! Thanks! Byeeeeeeee..............

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