Chapter 6

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We had been walking for days long very silent days. We stopped eating when we came up to this pond with this slimy wet long thing that tastes disgusting, but I ate it because I was starving. After eating those things that Apple gave me, they said that we have had to fly over the lake but because it was so small, I had to be careful due to water hurts us and can even kill lavawings I had to fly very carefully over the lake. Sometimes I brushed the top of the lake and I had to keep my mouth shut so I did not scream. When I got to the end my tail was bleeding luckily before I got out of my old home, I was able to get some of the leave I use to heal bleeding wounds. I raped one around my tail for a minuet for it to stop bleeding. Once it was done, I ripped it up and put it under a rock.


Apple said I rely on her to stay at my tail as if it turned into water.

"How did you do that."

I look down at the pouch I was using to hold stuff I was able to get from my old room in the volcano.

"oh" I told her holding one of her leaves.

"This is what I used to heal the wounds when they start to bleed sadly the don't heal scars."

I look down at the scars wishing it had.

"You sad dragon"

Apple said. Lush put his wing over mine in an effortless way. As we walked through the tunnel I did not know where we were going.

"Soo" I was getting annoyed of the silenced.

"Thanks for saving me and all."


Apply looked at me like I was just one of those annoying flies.

"You are welcome. So, what is your name anyway since we are helping you."

"My name is Steamer it's one of the animals that lives in the lava" I told them.

"Well," said the rock dragon "My name is lush, and this is Apply."

He pointed to Apply, and she snapped at his talon but pulled it away before she could bite it.

"I am a deepwing what dragon are you" he asked.

"Well," I stopped I did not know want to say "I don't know" I muttered.

"What" Apply stop in her traces "What do you mean you don't know" she turned to in anger. "You said you were a magmawing and now you are saying you do not know. Are you tricking us"?

She slivered closer her tail razed to show two sharp points at the end.

"What no" I chocked to stammer out "I was been a lavawing all life and now I find out I am a magmawing a species of dragon that was killed centuries ago."

"Well even if you might be different" Lush told me "From what you have grown up with you are still a lavawing even though people say you are a magmawing."

I smiled at him.

"Thanks" I said.

Apply raised her tail down still looking mad. As we walked, I could not help wondering why we went into hiding from the other dragons in the world and what made us.

As we walked through the tunnel I could help and get a feeling that someone was watching us.

"Hey" I ask, "um where are we going."

Apple did not turn around as she walked but she said.

"We are going to the deepwing home. It is safe for us now that we got rescued."

Lush suddenly stopped looking up and smashed his tail into the roof of the cave. As the rocks came in, we ran until the rocks stopped falling.

"Nice thinking Lush now no one can get though without digging throw hundreds of rocks."

Apply brushed her wings with his and they both smiled. As we were walking, I heard a high picked yelling sound came from behind us.

"What the spitting lava was that."

I asked as I jumped up, hitting my head on the roof. Both Apple and Lush look amused.

"Oh that" Lush laughed "That is just my pet screaming mole."

I stared at them in shock.

"A what" I ask.

Then a mole came though the wall to my left. It had this long fur that came out of its noise. Its eyes were like the deepwings they were haft close, but it seemed to know where it needed to go. Lush put his wing out so the mole can climb up onto its shoulders. It had long nails like lush that must help them dig. As the mole got onto the shoulder of Lush, he looked cute. That ended when he screamed so loud, I was surprised the roof did not cave in. I staggered back. That was surprising.

"Why does he make that noise."

I asked as we started walking again lush told me that they stared doing that when we came here.

"We think it is due to the nature of the mole we think they herd us and started to image us and the noise we made."

Lush keeps going on about how some moles make this squeaking noise while some scream like his.


I said I could not believe that animals could do that. As we walked, I relied on that it was getting much lighter. As we walked, I had to cover my eyes with my wings to get used to the light I took down my wings to the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

the new world (with zombies) (that turn up later)Where stories live. Discover now