The disaster about to explode. :)

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Chapter four

"Ok you know what to do don't you"?

"Yes! This is going to be so existing."

"Shh remember not to draw attention to yourself ok."


The two dragons walked into the main room of their small cave they could see there target the pile of food sitting on the rock table.

"Ok I will go grave some food you go on lookout of Smoke."


while one walked into the room the other a to the doorway where they last saw Smoke walk out of. She could hear voices outside the door she strained her ears to listen.

"What I don't want it."

"Well to bad you're the only on with a spare room and an almost fully grown dragon in it."

"... well.... Fine I will look after the beast but I- I mean they should get better food as we do not want to disadvantage the new little one."

"Fine ok I will bring her tomorrow."

The little dragon ran back to the older one as she took the food into her cave. Putting the food down they could hear Smoke returning into the home grumpy as ever and going straight towards the food.

"Hey. um Mountain I heard two dragons talking they were saying something about another dragonet coming here I think" the bigger dragon Mountain looked at the young one in disbelief haft a fire fruit in her jaw.

"really" she said look at the small cave entrance "Well eat up before Smoke starts to yell at us again.


Yes, this is short but that's just a little back story for our favored Magmawing

and yes, i will be posting the drawing for my Oc tribes I will give a small give you a discretion of them for u. 

Lavawings-- they are long and skinny with a short neck. They have wedded back talons (but no one knows why) and a tail with a fin like end. Their wings are more rounded than the other tribes and have bee see becoming a big ball to help hide smaller dragons and can kill you if you get trapped into it. they have large spikes pointed out of there back and those are always black. they can have Gery, red, orange, black, and not so common small yellow scales on their head but it is only found on their royales They also have not been see for thousands of years. Some think they are all dead from the great war while other think they are living underground or in the big volcano in the middle of the contented (can u image if that was true.) There is a myth that in the tribe there are dragons that can swim in the lava but can only be found out from a rock (Cult) that they worship, and it makes all their choses for jobs. They cannot go near water as it burns them like aided. Ocreanwebs are their main emery, and they have lots of wars due to their differentness and only have ever fort together in the great dead war.

next will be Snowsnouts.

and yes I have a drawing of those.

see you in the next chapter have a great night or day.

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