Chapter 26

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As Sung Hoon still had works to do despite being heartbroken, he hoped that his busy schedule of Asia tour fan meetings and drama shooting would provide a perfect distraction from the pain of his breakup with Lucy. He believed that drowning himself in work would make it easier to forget her, but he soon realized how wrong he was.

As Sung Hoon embarked on his whirlwind schedule of Asia tour fan meetings and drama shootings, he hoped that the busyness of his work would provide a much-needed distraction from the ache of his broken heart. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, he quickly realized that no amount of work could ever erase the memory of Lucy from his mind.

Each fan meeting brought with it a flood of memories; each song he sang a painful reminder of the love he had lost. And as he stood on stage, bathed in the adoration of his fans, Sung Hoon couldn't help but feel the weight of his sorrow pressing down on him like a leaden cloak.

But despite the pain that threatened to consume him, Sung Hoon forced himself to smile and carry on, his heartache hidden beneath a facade of laughter and cheer. And as he launched into his performance, the lyrics of his songs resonated with a depth of emotion that he could not contain.

"You are the reason for me," he sang, his voice trembling with the weight of his sorrow. "You are the light in my life..."

But even as he sang, the tears welled up in Sung Hoon's eyes, his heart breaking anew with each word. And as the music faded away and the applause of the crowd filled the air, he couldn't help but feel the emptiness that gnawed at his insides, the absence of Lucy a gaping wound that refused to heal.

As the crowd watched in stunned silence, Sung Hoon struggled to regain his composure, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he wiped away his tears. "I'm fine," he lied, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I guess I was just moved by all of your love."

But even as he spoke the words, Sung Hoon knew that no amount of love from his fans could ever fill the void that Lucy had left behind. And as he forced a smile onto his face and continued with the show, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever find a way to escape the shadow of his lost love and emerge into the light once more.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Lucy threw herself into the bustling rhythm of school life and studies, immersing herself in the vibrant atmosphere of her university's international lounge. With each passing day, she found herself becoming more social, relishing in the opportunity to meet new people and partake in the endless stream of social gatherings and events.

To those around her, Lucy appeared to be the epitome of happiness, the life of the party with a smile always on her lips and laughter in her eyes. No one would ever guess that she was nursing a broken heart, for she exuded an air of carefree joy that seemed to defy the pain lurking beneath the surface.

But as the sun set and the day gave way to night, Lucy's facade began to crumble, and the weight of her emotions bore down upon her with crushing force. Alone in the quiet solitude of her home, the floodgates of her heart opened wide, and the tears flowed freely as she grappled with the painful memories of her failed relationship.

In the darkness of her room, with only her thoughts for company, Lucy was confronted with the harsh reality of her situation. She berated herself for her perceived failures, lamenting the fact that she always seemed to sabotage her own happiness when things were finally going right. And as the night wore on, the weight of her regrets grew heavier, threatening to drown her in a sea of sorrow.

From an outsider's perspective, Lucy's struggles might seem trivial, mere "champagne problems" in the grand scheme of things. But to her, they were a source of deep anguish, a constant reminder of the love she had lost and the pain she could not escape.

And so, she continued to put on a brave face during the day, burying her sorrows beneath a mask of laughter and cheer. But as the night fell and the facade crumbled away, Lucy was left to confront the true depths of her despair, alone in the darkness with nothing but her tears and her regrets for company.

In the depths of her turmoil, Lucy couldn't help but feel the weight of her lost love, the absence of Sung Hoon casting a shadow over her every thought. He had been her sunshine, a beacon of warmth and comfort in her life, and now she found herself adrift in the darkness without him by her side. She was his midnight rain, a soothing balm for his troubled soul, and in her absence, he found himself lost in the darkness, searching for a light that seemed forever out of reach.

And though others may see her struggles as self-inflicted, the truth was far more complicated than they could ever understand. Lucy couldn't even begin to unravel the complexities of her own mind, let alone explain them to others.

Lucy was the love of Sung Hoon's life But he was the loss of her life.


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