Chapter 10 - Past

Start from the beginning

Rashmi while laying on her bed, thought about the events of the past.  From the time she got marked by Dakshesh, her parents were very happy as she got a fair chance to become the next Samragyi, if Meghnath was not crowned.  So they decided to groom her for the same.

Everyday she was taught by various scholars on different topics like diplomacy, Administration, Accounts and even War tactics.  And these exhaustive learning took away her childhood and teenage years, where others girls including her twin sister were enjoying their time by playing around and attending fair or annual meet of the 5 Kingdoms.

The most notable consequence of her exhaustive learning period is that her sister Charusheela met with Dakshesh in various fairs or annual meets and they developed feelings for each other.   Rashmi fisted her pillow tightly in anger as she remembered how her sister time and again lied to her on her face about meeting her friends whereas she was meeting Dakshesh behind her back.

After Dakshesh and Charusheela were sure about their feelings, they decided to tell her parents about Charu becoming his secondary wife.  With her parents acceptance, Dakshesh began to visit their palace often to meet Charu. 

Rashmi let out a mocking laugh thinking about how foolishly she thought that he came to meet her and she was blushing throughout the meal when he joined them.  Finally when she came to know about their affair, Charu fell at her feet to apologize and repeatedly said that she couldn't control her heart from falling in love with him. 

Her parents were angry at Rashmi for making a big issue out of this and asked her to not hurt her younger sister for Rajkumar Dakshesh's choice.  Atlast Charu came to meet Rashmi in private and knelt before her saying that she never intended to hurt her sister but at the same time, she couldn't think of anyone else as her husband.  And Charu begged Rashmi to forgive her and let go off her anger.

Rashmi sat up on her bed remembering the turning point of her life.  She breathed heavily and thought of that night when Charu begged her.  "If only I were the old Rashmi who would pamper her sister and give upon her own wishes just for her sister, then I wouldn't have done what I did, after that night.  May be I would have just accepted whatever happened and simply lived my life as the primary wife of Dakshesh, after the academy training is completed", Rashmi whispered in the silent night.

Rashmi thought about Agneya and sighed dejectedly as she doesn't know what she feels about this mark which came to her for the second time, unexpectedly.  She couldn't sleep the whole night thinking about all these things and it was already morning.

The classes went as usual and today Agneya attended the class for Water power.  Without any distraction, he concentrated on the class.  After the classes got over, Rashmi saw him in the corridor and thought he will also despise her just like others but he just moved past her like they had not met before.  Just the same way he used to treat her before the marking.  Rashmi just shook her head and continued her routine.

Today Charu didn't interrupt her way and Rashmi was glad about it.  Whenever Charu cries infront of her, Rashmi felt her blood boil and a raw desire to kill that sister of hers, takes place in her heart.  When She sees Charu enjoying with her friends and then suddenly putting on guilty look on, Rashmi wondered how she would have enjoyed spending time with Dakshesh behind her back and then look guilty after her secret was revealed.

At night, Rashmi cleaned herself and got ready in her night clothes which had sleeveless blouse unlike the ones which she started wearing now at daytimes.  Rashmi sat infront of her food plate and prayed before eating.  As she went to the bed after dinner, she heard some sounds saw that Agneya had entered her chamber again. 

Seeing him turned away from her and facing the couch, Rashmi asked, "What are you doing here again?".  He simply turned his head and saw that she was fully dressed and then turned completely towards her.  Then only she saw what he was doing on the other side.  "Why are you setting up a pillow and blanket on my couch?", Rashmi asked angrily as she moved towards him but stopped midway as she remembered what he did the previous times.

Samrat - Emperor
Samragyi - Empress
Rajkumar - Prince
Bratashree - Brother
Bhabhishree - sister-in-law
Acharya - Master/Teacher
Mamashree - Uncle (Mother's Brother)
Mamishree - Aunt (Mother's brother's wife)
Bade - elder or big
Chote - younger or small


Hi guys,

Rashmi's past is revealed and the next chapter will clear the viewers misunderstanding about Rashmi from the initial chapters.

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