Chapter 23

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Lucy had a habit of immersing herself in music that resonated with her current mood. It was almost like her playlist was a mirror to her soul, reflecting her innermost feelings for anyone observant enough to notice. People around her and friends had grown accustomed to this quirk, often able to discern her emotional state simply by glancing at her choice of songs.

Lately, Lucy's playlist was dominated by three particular songs, each carrying its own weight of significance. Taylor Swift's "Champagne Problems" resonated deeply with her, especially the line "She would've made such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in the head," which seemed to speak directly to her own experiences. Another track on repeat was "Goodbye Looks Good on You" by Alana Springsteen, reflecting her desire to gracefully end a relationship that was no longer fulfilling, without assigning blame or fostering resentment. Finally, Halsey's "Sorry" captured the essence of her emotions with its straightforward lyrics, offering a poignant soundtrack to her inner struggles.

Unable to contain her emotions, Lucy took to Instagram, posting snippets of these songs to her story for the world to see. Each track served as a silent confession, a window into her innermost thoughts and feelings that she couldn't quite articulate with words alone.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Sung Hoon's heart sank as he watched Lucy's Instagram story unfold before his eyes. The sight of those three songs, each one a dagger to his already wounded heart, filled him with a sense of dread and foreboding.

He knew what those songs meant, what they symbolized for Lucy and their relationship. And deep down, he knew that something he didn't want to hear was coming his way. But despite the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Sung Hoon couldn't bring himself to look away, his eyes glued to the screen as he braced himself for the inevitable.

As Sung Hoon sat there in silence, the weight of anticipation heavy upon him, he couldn't shake the feeling of suffocation that seemed to envelop them both. Each avoided the conversation they knew they needed to have. Their once frequent dates had dwindled, replaced by the excuse of busy schedules—Lucy with her studies, Sung Hoon with his demanding commitments. 

Yet, for Sung Hoon, the absence of those moments together felt like a physical ache in his chest, a constant reminder of the void that only Lucy could fill. He longed to hold her close, to bury his face in her hair and forget the world outside. 

But the fear of hearing those dreaded words held him back, trapping him in a silent agony that he bore alone. During their time apart, Sung Hoon felt as though someone were scratching his heart with a piece of broken glass, each day leaving behind deeper wounds that refused to heal.

As days turned into weeks, Lucy found herself locked in a silent battle with her own heart, torn between her desire to spare Sung Hoon's feelings and her need to be true to herself. The weight of her decision hung heavy on her shoulders, each passing moment adding to the mounting pressure she felt.

Despite their physical distance, Lucy and Sung Hoon continued to communicate through text messages. However, their conversations lacked the warmth and depth they once had, often reduced to mundane exchanges like "Have you eaten?" or "I'm at home" or "I'm going to school now." 

Each message felt like an empty echo of what their relationship used to be, leaving Lucy with a sense of emptiness and longing for the connection they once shared. Lucy couldn't shake the nagging feeling that their connection was slipping away, like sand slipping through her fingers.

As Sung Hoon's Asia tour fan meetings and drama productions loomed on the horizon, Lucy knew that the time for her to make a decision was fast approaching. She couldn't bear the thought of interfering with his work, knowing how much his career meant to him. 

But at the same time, she couldn't ignore the undeniable truth that she had fallen out of love with him, her feelings drifting further and further away with each passing day. Their love is grey, but he wouldn't admit that they were sick.

In the quiet moments between classes and study sessions, Lucy found herself grappling with the painful reality of her situation. She longed for the courage to speak her truth, to finally admit to Sung Hoon that their relationship had run its course. But the fear of breaking his heart held her back, leaving her paralyzed with indecision.

As Lucy found herself immersed in the solitude of her thoughts, she engaged in a silent dialogue with herself, the words echoing softly in the recesses of her mind.

"You have to do this, Lucy," she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible over the din of her inner turmoil. "You can't keep pretending that everything is fine when it's not. You owe it to yourself and to Sung Hoon to be honest about how you're feeling."

But even as she spoke the words, doubt bothered at the edges of her resolve, casting shadows of uncertainty over her decision. "But what if I'm making a mistake?" she countered, her thoughts spiraling into a whirlwind of fear and apprehension. "What if breaking up with him only makes things worse? What if I'm throwing away the best thing that's ever happened to me?"

With a heavy sigh, Lucy shook her head, banishing the doubts that threatened to consume her. "No," she reminded herself firmly. "You can't live your life based on 'what ifs.' You have to follow your heart, even if it leads you down a difficult path."

And so, with her resolve renewed and her heart set on the course ahead, Lucy steeled herself for the challenges that lay ahead. Armed with the knowledge that she was doing what was best for both herself and Sung Hoon, she took a deep breath and prepared to take the first step towards a future untethered by the weight of regret and uncertainty.

And so, as she navigated the lonely halls of her university, Lucy couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a right time to say goodbye. Would she ever find the words to set them both free from the chains of a love that had long since faded away? Only time would tell.


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