Coronation Day

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At the merchant dock of the ships, two people walked around the the town of the Crystal Kingdom, one wore a clock to hid the face and the other had long hair with an eye glass on the left.
"Ahhhh the Crystal Kingdom, it's so beautiful" the man with the eye glass said
"We're not here for sightseeing" the one with the cloak said
"Today is the Coronation of their prince, I wish we could stay"
"You get the supplies we need and I'll go visit a friend" the one with a cloak left the beautiful market and started to head down dark alleys that wasn't getting any sun light, through the twisting tunnels the one with the cloak came to a stop when looking up at the building in front of him. 'The Assassin Creed was the name of the building in front of him and he opened the door, many people were inside but hey didn't look friendly, some were drunk with beer; some were having private conversations that they looked around to make sure no one heard and the others just stared as he made his way to the counter
"What will it be?" The bartender asked, he took of his hood to show his identity
"Well, well if it isn't the great Renee!!! How are you boss?!!!" The bartender said happy, Renee had long black bouncy hair, a scar going down her beautiful dark green eyes, her skin gave off a tan because of the heat
"I'm good, the place still running good it looks like" she said
"I'm guessing you're here for the account, Candy is in the back"
"Thanks" Renee went to the back were the dark mood was even darker, in the corner of the room data woman who wasn't drunk, scars and tattoos went across her arms and neck, her hair was cut short revealing the piercing on her brow and ears
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you're here" the once dark lady became real friendly once she saw Renee
"Hey Candy"
"So the account, eh?" She said as they took a seat on a table
"You know it"
"Here your share of the gold, we mostly did jobs outside of the Kingdom, other kingdoms were asking us to track fugitives and kill corrupt lords" Candy said handing two bags of gold to Renee
"Thanks anything else I need to know about?"
"We'll two weeks ago, before the announcement of Prince William Coronation, this came in" Candy handed Renee a letter that she opened and reading it her face gave a strange reaction
"Why would someone ask us to do this?"she said annoyed
"We couldn't trace the letter and I made sure no one went to do the task"
"Did they ever write back?"
"Good, thank you Candy, I'll be back for the next account"
"Oh Boss please stay, they're having a party in town with Fireworks"
"Sorry, I have people to get back to"
"Alright, till next boss!!!" Renee walked out the Assassin's Creed were her assistant was waiting
"So how did it go?" He asked
"Here take these, it was alright except for one irregular letter" Renee said handing the bags of gold to her assistant
"What was it about?"
"Let's go"

                                .     .      .     .

Leon looked in the mirror after Andrew was done dressing him, he was wearing the Royal clothes for the big day and on top of his head a crown, the Coronation of Prince William to King and he was really happy for his elder brother. He went to the balcony were he could see the town, everyone looked happy, they even dressed in fancy clothes this was going to be a good day
"Your Majesty, here's the gift you asked me to get, Scorlon Wine"
"My Father will love it, hand it over to me" Andrew gave Leon the wine and he took a sniff, Scorlon wine was the best wine ever made because of the way they harvested the grapes, the scent smelt like rich roses  and it tasted so sweet that you would want to get drunk and this was his father's favorite wine so it'd be a great gift to congratulate William and Henry.
"Keep it safe in till tonight"
"Yes your majesty" Leon left his room and went down the straits to William's room, he stood at the doorway seeing him being get dressed, he was wearing more clothes than Leon and his face looked red as he was trying to breath
"Can you breath?" Leon asked
"Yes, do I look red?"
"Redder than a flag"
"Very funny as you can see I'm nervous"
" Oh the color on your face says it?"
"How do I look?"
"Like a King"
"Thank you brother"  William and Leon walked to the throne room where their father was waiting for them
"You both look so grown up"  King Henry said as they came into the room
"We are grown up" William said
"I can't believe this day has come, You will be a great and wise King"
"Hey what about me?" Leon said
"Leon, actually I have a something to tell you" William smiled knowing what it was
"What is it that you two are plotting?"
"We know that your tired of being here and want to explore outside the world so I have asked a favor from a friend who owns a ship and they said they'd be happy to have you" Henry said
"What??! You're serious!!!" Leon yelled
"Take it as a King's gift to a Duke" William said
"Wait I'm going to be come a Duke"
"Once I become King"
"Thank you both so much, You won't regret this!!!" Leon hugged both Henry and William
"When do I leave?"
"Tomorrow morning, very early, the Palace wouldn't be awake by that time"
"I love you both, thank you so much!!!" Leon hugged them again excited and happy for this gift
"Now let's go and get your brother Crowned" Henry said smiling

The sound of cheer reached to the top of the towers were the guards watched everything, they could see the crowds of people gathered outside the The Temple where William would get Crowned by Father John, the only ones who were allowed inside were the Lords, Ladies of the Society and the guest from the other countries so the Temple was kind of packed. The guards could also see the royal Carriage that the Royal family was riding to the Temple, William stood up and waved as the people cheered for him he couldn't stop smiling maybe because of their happy cheers.
Leon was happy too, he could hear the ocean more than the cheers of the people, William got out first followed by Leon and Henry they made their way to the Temple. Decorated with white and gold the sun shined in brilliance, Leon made his way to the stand  where Father John stood as well, his visible white bread made him look ancient, his skin was dark and he gave a warm smile to William. Behind him was a gold throne where William would sit when he would be crowned. Father John cleared his throat to make sure the crowd would be silent
"What a beautiful day this is, today marks a king worthy for his people, we are gathered by different cultures and people to see this young man become a ruler, William Crane the First please make you way forward" William walked forward to where Father John was standing as he walked the knight held their swords high above him when he arrived he got on one knee and looked up at Father John
"William Crane the First, do you promise to have Justice and Mercy?"
"I, William Crane the first promise to have Justice and Mercy" William said as he was being handed a sphere with a cross on top and a scepter in the other hand
"William Crane the First do you promise to protect the people?"
"I, William Crane the first promise to protect the people" William bowed his head down in saying that
"Now by the words hold them to your heart, I crown William Crane the First King of the Crystal Kingdom"
"All hail King William" the people yelled even outside the Temple as Father John put the crown in William and then as he sat on throne

The people bursted into celebration, the sound of music and laughing could be heard from the towers, the Lords, Ladies and Royal guest were also having a party of their own. William was being congratulated by the others while Henry was talking to Father John, it had been a successful day, William was now King and he had the title of Duke but that didn't matter cause is a few hours he was going to leave for exploring.
"Your Majesty , here you go" Andrew said handing the bottle of wine
"Thank you" Leon said as he went to his Father luckily Father John was down talking to him
"Father, I have a gift for you and William"
"Oh my what is it?" The old man laughed
"Scorlon wine, for celebrating the occasion"
"Oh my boy, I was worried that I was never going to drink the best wine, thank you Leon"
"I'll miss you father"
"You will be missed here, I love you my son, you better come back back"
"I will, don't worry"
"When will I get the time to drink this?"
"Maybe when you're alone"
" Be safe my boy"
"Good night Father" Leon hugged Henry and started leave the room but William stopped
"Where you going?" He asked
"To rest for tomorrow"
"Let's light a firework for your departure, this is me saying goodbye"
"Alright" Leon and William made it to the balcony and lit a match, the town was waiting for the King to start the Fire Works
"Ready?" Willam asked
"Let's do this" Leon said and they both let two fire works into the sky, lighting up the town and after them came a whole bunch as they could hear the cheers of the people
"I'll miss you"William said
"Me too" The two brothers hugged as the sky was being lit up they knew they were going to see each other again but this would be the first time they'd be apart, this would be the first time Leon actually left the Crystal Kingdom.

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