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~Author's POV~

When the Survey Corps settled down, Levi had kept a good eye on (Y/n) ever since her little outburst. They couldn't afford (Y/n) losing her shit and accidentally Kill Eren and/or Zeke.

After their long flight, we got home and placed Eren Yeager in an underground cell on account of his insubordination whilst Levi had Zeke Yeager placed under house arrest in a Forest of Giant Trees, and kept under close scrutiny. Just in case the two brothers decided to start the Rumbling early. Like Hange last said,"We can't trust them anymore."

A funeral was held for the eight soldiers, including Sasha, and it was very difficult for (Y/n) to believe that most of them were actually died. She was use to death, sure, but seeing Sasha being lowered down to the ground in a box was her breaking point. It broke her heart that she couldn't help them. She stay in her and Levi's room for a while, crying her eyes out.

Levi could only comfort his wife to the best of his abilities,"Honey... When are you coming out? It's been hours."

When he heard nothing, he sat back down on their bed. His hands combed her black locks and watched thr door closely. For the past month, (Y/n) would lock herself in the bathroom at certain hours and Levi would always be scared of the possibility that he'd find her dead.

Luckily, she just came out with slight bruises, cuts and a tear stained face. It broke Levi's heart all the time. Ever since he had to watch the Beast Titan, he couldn't be home to his wife as frequent as he wished. Sure, they'd visit each other but it wasn't enough for Levi ever since Hange told him about (Y/n)'s depressive episodes.

While the Survey Corps were busy, A Global Alliance Army was formed to prepare a retaliation against Paradis Island. They plan to conduct a scorched-earth operation in six months. Yelena and the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers pass the Titan serums that they stole from Marley to Dot Pixis, but laments being unable to procure the knowledge to create those serums.

In the span of One Month, Gabi and Falco were imprisoned before they escaped custody of the Paradis military, fleeing into the wilderness, before coming into contact with the Blouse family. Then it was revealed, Historia Reiss is to be several months pregnant, the father a laborer at her orphanage.

Hange met Eren a few times in his cell but he mostly ignored her. Armin, Mikasa, Jean and Connie met up once, discussing Eren's reactions towards Sasha and Marley but they couldn't ignore (Y/n) outburst. They wondered,"What exactly happened when those three met on Marley? And what is Eren and Zeke lying about to (Y/n)?"

Floch Forster and Survey Corps recruits loyal to Eren's cause leak the news of his arrest to the public, leading to protest and disarray. The Survey Corps has Floch's cell arrested. Yelena admits to Pixis that she had secretly met with Eren, legitimizing the Volunteers' arrest. (Y/N) didn't bother to join the arrest or meet up with Hange to discuss solutions on how to help Eldia or what to do with Eren. To Hange, it seemed as though... (Y/n) didn't care anymore.

(Y/n) laid her head down on her desk while reading the letter Eren had written her throughout the 4 years. Some were letters about what she missed back at home, other letter were about the plans for Eldia but most letters were private information about the future.

~Flashback in (Y/n)'s POV~

I quickly let Historia's hand go making it seem as casual as possible while my mind raced away. Eventually, Eren didn't let Historia's hand go which notified everyone. I studied Eren's face, wondering what he saw but if what I saw was correct... maybe he saw it too?

After the ceremony, Eren grabbed my hand and forced me to follow him. I waved goodbye to Levi before willingly following Eren.

Once Eren and I were in a secluded space, he spoke freely,"(Y/n), what do you know about Ymir?" I let an eyebrow raise,"Well, she's my sister. But what do you know?" Eren stayed quiet before laying back on the nearby wall. He looked outside the window," Anything else?" I gulped, feeling a strange emotion, like fear. Fear for Eren...

"I mean... when I kissed Historia's hand, I saw Ymir and I way back with more memories of us. And I saw shattered visions of that glowing tree. A lot of Colossal Titans. Levi and the others with some new faces I don't recognize. But Mostly... I saw you. You were sad, angry, terrified even. In every one of my visions, I saw You with a blank expression but somehow I knew you were feeling upset." I rubbed at my nape, laughing out my embarrassment and nervousness,"Honestly, it feels like a blur."

Eren gave me a look that I could only describe as shock until it turned to acknowledge,"Okay... if you see anything else, Please tell me." I nodded before I watched Eren leave the room back to his friends. Before she left the room, She quietly wondered,"He just left me with more questions..."

~Flashback End (Also the POV)~

(Y/N) had finally came around to rereading some of the older letter before opening a small wooden box, Eren had given her before the Liberio Fight,"Open this box a month after we've left Marley."

She didn't understand why but stuck to the promise even if she was very angry with Eren.

Carefully reading the letters, her eyes widened. She slowly placed a hand over her open mouth before quickly standing up and rushing towards the door to find Hange, only for her exit/entrance to be blocked by a shirtless figure. Bumping into the figure, she looked up and saw Eren stare down at her.

She walked backwards,"Eren... how'd you get out?" His body cautiously moved towards her before punching her in the head, knocking her out.

"Premier Zachary privately owned a custom-made chair. We believe the bomb was installed inside it. We have four military fatalities, including the premier. The identities and objectives of the culprits remain unknown."

Hange quickly spoke up,"If you're suspecting him, he was with me all day." Refering to Eren,"And his friends are all still detained."

"Then are there any other forces that come to mind? What about Corporal (Y/n) Ackerman? Where has she been?"

Armin shook his head,"No, the Corporal would sabotage us. From what I know, she's either with Levi or helping Hange." He then looked down,"But That chair... the premier said some recruits had broaded it in."

"Recruits from where?" Armin shook his head,"All he said was "recruits". But before we visited his room, Mikasa and I saw some recruits leaving headquarters. Survey Corps recruits."

Everyone qyickly gave Armin death stares and shocked faces before one of the Commander's spoke,"Speaking of the Survey Corps, I hear a few of them are being punished for leaking information about Eren to the public."

Before anyone could react, a soldier ran throughthe door,"Emergency!" Surprised, Everyone looked back,"Eren Yeager has escaped from his underground cell! And (Y/n) Ackerman is missing for her room!"

With shocked faces, the Commander of the Military Police yelled,"Mobilize every soldier you can and start looking for them!"

"Armin... What's happening right now?" Mikasa asked, as her body felt frozen in place. She couldn't understand anything anymore. What was Eren doing..?!

Eren carried (Y/n) as he dramatically walked up the hill to meet up with the Yeagerists, who waited with guns and a shirt for him. Once he was up the hill, he looked at Floch,"You've got a lot of people. How many?"

"Besides the people here, we have allies hiding in the military. Including the ones who bombed Dhalis Zachary." Eren looked unfazed by die information, "You're the only one who can save the Eldian Empire, Eren Yeager."

Eren gave (Y/n) to one of his loyal Yeagerists before taking the shirt Floch provided to him and quickly threw it on,"Time to find Zeke."

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