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"Damn, you're a filthy sight. You fall in a pile of shit? Eren..."


"This brings back memories, Eren. You have such a kickable face. After you're all tied up, we'll have a chat."

"That's fine, but I explained everything in the letters. Did you not understand it?"

"Tsk. That face... it reminds me of the rotten shits who lived underground. Never thought I'd see it on you. Cheer up. Everything happened like you wanted. But firstly, where's my wife?"

I glared at the Survey Corps aboarding their getaway airship without me as I ran like hell to catch up with them. Suddenly feeling the urge of power run through my veins, I decided to expose myself through my wings.

I dropped my light brown jacket and tore my white button up shirt in addition I was wearing a backless black shirt underneath. I quickly rolled up the bottom hem of my light brown pants and tightly knotted my shoes before jumping as high as I could and let my white wings spread and fly me up to the airship. I got my rifle ready just in case someone wanted to shoot at me but thankfully, no one did.

Once I was close enough, I got to one of the open airship doors before jumping right in and let my wings disappear. I saw Connie and Sasha help Jean inside while others celebrated their "first battle win" which lead me to feeling guilty and yet happy.

I walked to the front side of the airship, opening a few doors until finally, arriving to Zeke steaming like there's no tomorrow, Yelena with a weird ass beard, Eren on the ground, my loving husband staring daggers at Eren while Armin and Mikasa were resting up. They all turned to me with surprise faces before I felt Levi grab me,"Are you hurt? How'd you get on? Why weren't you the first one on board?! Do you know how worried sick I was?"

I chuckled as he checked for any injuries or what-not before giving him a lighy kiss on the cheek,"I'm fine, dear. Really. I'm late because..." quickly thinking of an excuse,"I got held up by Marleyans who wouldn't leave me alone. Sorry about that." I nervously rubbed at the back of my nape before getting a glare from Zeke,"You were suppose to be first on board, Armin was the one that took out most of the Marleyans so you had a free pass completely."

I saw Armin have a guilty look before I told Zeke off,"Oh, Fuck off, Zeke. Unexpected shit happens, okay?!" I glared daggers at Zeke before Levi eased the tension by giving me a gentle backrub and a question to Yelena.

I laid back on the wall next to Eren, feeling my exhaustion catch onto me but on the outside, letting it look like I wasn't tired. Damnit, I am really tired though... Maybe I could ask Levi or Hange for somewhere quiet on the ship to get some rest?

I felt my eyes start to slowly drop before We heard some loud commotion, making us all look back at the scene,"Tsk, When are they gonna settle down?" Levi asked making me shrug,"Beats me, they're celebrating because it's their first win or something." In response, I got a "Tsk" from Levi and a few rolled eyes.

I laid my head back for a bit and closed my eyes, wanting to sleep all the way back home but that was Short lived as we heard the door open. Opening one eye, I saw Jean in the doorway with two heavily injured kids in restrains.

I gave a confused look before Zeke asked,"Gabi, Falco... Why are you here?" I only knew Falco through Eren but the girl, she was a stranger to me. They gave Zeke a confused look before te girl asked,"What do you mean? Why are you here?" I saw Falco get excited before his smile turned back to a frown,"You're alive! But I can't believe they captured you..."

Poor kids, they might be scared. I gently pushed myself up from the wall and kneeled down at the kids levels while Levi questioned where they came from. I gave him a smirk before giving him a sarcastic answer,"They come from the ground, Levi."

He gave me a harsh glare before Jean answered,"They killed Lobov and got on board with his maneuver gear. And this girl... shot Sasha." My eyes widened and I looked back at the girl,"She isn't gonna make it." My blood ran cold at that then I got back up before looking back at Eren, expecting him with a reaction of some sort while Armin and Mikasa ran to be next to Sasha's side, but Eren gave me nothing. Just a cheap cold expression, like he was unbothered by it.

I glared angrily at him before tapping on Levi's shoulder to signal him that I'm gonna go help Sasha with my powers. He nodded as I quickly ran towards Sasha who was excessively bleeding out.

I found Mikasa and Armin cry their eyes out to which I quickly got to work. I saw Connie give me a grim look before tearing up,"Please... save her." My heart broke and so, I nodded. I let my wings outstretch as I let my powers flow through my hands. A droplet of sweat passed my forehead and I felt my eyes shallow down but I just ignored it.

My hands pressed firmly onto Sasha's chest as I let my powers do its thing. Sasha wasn't breathing, so my powers should heal her up quickly and then she'll be breathing again... but when I felt my powers only flow through me and not Sasha, I got highly worried.

I pressed deeper into Sasha's chest and pushed my powers beyond its limits, only for nothing to happen. I pulled my hands up and looked down at my bloodied hands,"What..?"

"What is it, Cap." I looked back at Connie before Tears welled up and I let them flow. I shook my head and I wiped the tears before pressed my tear's water droplets onto Sasha only for it to give a faint light shine. I tried again and again but nothing.

I felt a shiver of fear run through my body before I decide to try another method. I grabbed Sasha and kissed her until I noticed that too wouldn't work. I then took a hold of her nose and breathed in and out for her as her chest lifted up and down until I firmly pumped her heart.

I did this a few times only to come up with blood on my hands and face. I looked back at Connie as the realization hit me like a brick. I used my healing powers on those Marleyans and my other powers to keep Eren save,"Damnit!" I hit my fist against the floor next to myself. I saw Connie's face fall and walk away. Looking down at my red stained hands, my tears flowed passed my eyelids.

"Sasha... I-I'm so sorry." My hands covered my body as I quietly sob next to Mikasa and Armin. I haven't spent too much time with her but she was one of my favorites characters.

Why her???

Anger boiled up inside of me and I couldn't control my actions anymore. I quickly stood up and walked back to Eren. Wanting to punch his fucking face. And when I saw him, it looked like he was laughing. This, made me lose it.

My body moved faster than I thought and I was on top of him, Punching the shit out of him,"Eren! You fucking lied to me!" Next thing I know, Levi had grabbed me and pulled me off of him,"You said no one would get hurt! You Liar!"

I saw Zeke glare at me,"Sacrifices had to be made." Now, I was so close to fucking killing the ape bastard but Levi tightly held me back. He then started to pull me out the door but not before I yelled,"You fuckers lied to me! What else did you lie to me about, huh?! What are you hiding, Eren?!"

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