A Whisper to a Friend

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When life's waves crash and overwhelm,
Remember, dear friend, you're not alone in the storm.
I'm here, a steady shore, a listening ear,
A whisper away, always near.

When life seems to be just rainy days and painful thunder,
Remember dear friend, you're not alone in the rain.
I'm here, a steady roof, a listening ear,
A whisper away, always near.

A helping hand while push and guide you to a better place during your painful times.
A friend who listens to your cries, screams and hears your pain.
A fresh start is waiting, why give up so soon?

A friend who knows and understands you.
A hammer who keeps your nails in place during violent storm.
Together we'll overcome those unbearable challenges and show no fear.
As we'll be sure to do our best as we are up to the test.

With every blow, we'll forge a stronger bond,
A unbreakable chain, that will forever beyond.
Through laughter and tears, we'll stand as one,
And prove that together, we've just begun.

No matter how long the pain seems to take place,
I'll always be ready to put up with the pace.
Alongside each other, my dearest friend, we'll fight this pain together
And prove that together we are one.

Hand in hand, heart to heart, we'll face the pain,
And show it that our bond will never be in vain.
With every step, with every breath, we'll rise above,
And prove that together, our love will be the proof.

I'll always love and appreciate you for you're my friend
And will always be my dearest friend.

At last the pain has ended and so are your fears,
As you are in heaven and you left me with tears.
I'm happy you are okay but as always my dearest friend I miss you.
The very last whisper my friend is over now
As you are no longer here and I should accept the fact that you are now gone.

Though you're no longer here, your memory stays near,
A bittersweet reminder of the love we hold dear.
In the garden of memories, our bond will forever grow,
A testament to the love we shared, and the tears we've known.

You no longer shed tears or quiver in fear
As you no longer exist in the hurtful world.
My dearest friend, allow me to whisper one last time.

Rest in peace, dear one, may your soul be free,
No more pain, no more tears, just eternity.
In my heart, your memory will forever stay,
Guiding me forward, come what may.

And as I end this whisper with a short smile
I hope to one day hear your whisper, my dear friend.

May the winds of time carry our whispers afar,
And may our hearts remain connected, near and far.
In the silence, may we hear each other's call,
And may our love and friendship forever stand tall.

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