Chapter 2: New Problems

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Synopsis: Valt gets lost....extremely lost.

Chapter's Theme Song: Boulevard of Broken Dream

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"Helloooooo Spain!" Valt exclaimed with a bright smile as he wandered on the streets of Toledo, city of Spain. He spent the whole day exploring the urban area, eating delicious Spanish food on the way, and taking pictures of his surroundings. Before he knew it, he was cutting very short on time. It's pretty mind-boggling how quickly time flies when you're having fun. With a panicked glance, he looked at his phone which read: 2:50 pm. He had no more than 10 minutes left to get to the B.C Sol facility before the first training session and meeting began. Drat, this was not good. Valt frantically started to pick up the pace, passing by a chain food stands he still wanted to visit. Sorry churros I can't get to you now, maybe some other time . He thought as he tapped on the Google Maps app on his phone. He had searched for the place in advance before his flight, so he should be fine right?




Wrong. Oh how very wrong he was. It had already been 1 hour and Valt was lost in circles. Time also flies like a bullet when you're panicking and lost. He tried to ask some people for directions but they either paid him no mind or gave him a weird look. "No hablo ingles." They responded. Valt ended up inferring that they couldn't understand English. He could have asked them if they knew Japanese but who was he kidding, the chance of meeting someone who understood English was higher than someone who spoke his native tongue. The language barrier was a problem and he didn't know how to speak Spanish. Valt knew English pretty well since he learned it at school after all. He could say that his pronunciation was pretty fluid! Even Shu complimented him at how smooth-tongued he was in English back when they were in class together. Valt tried using Google Translate to communicate with the city folk, but when the people he asked replied in Spanish, they walked right away as if they assumed he understood what they meant!

"Utterly useless!" Valt grumbled in Japanese.

At some point during his struggles, he met a boy with orange hair that wore a cap. The boy sneered with laughter and spoke in broken english. "Seriously??? You got called to B.C Sol? Nice joke! See ya!" Before Valt could ask him any more questions, the boy ran away. Valt tried his best to chase after him, seeing that he finally met someone that spoke English! But after an unsuccessful goose chase, Valt gave up and settled on a bench at a nearby park to catch his breath and took a sip of water. He took another look at his phone and grumbled as the time read 4:36 pm. How am I THIS lost!?! I swear I was on the right path a few minutes ago.....or was it an hour ago?! UGH!!! Now I'm VERY late! The remains of his cheery attitude from the beginning of the day became nothing but a ghost.


Without thinking, Valt chucked his phone on the ground in frustration. The moment it collided against the hard surface, he stilled. He stared, stunned as his phone cracked against the pavement. SHIT! Why the hell did I do that? Thankfully, it just had a few cracks and the screen was still working. Phew, that was close. I'm such an idiot. Valt gently ran his fingers across the cracks of the screen. This phone was extra special to the blue haired boy. It was a gift for him on his birthday from his best friend, Shu. He remembered how surprised and happy he was when he opened his gift. Valt held the phone to his chest and his heart ached as he recalled the memories of his most recent birthday. To think that he almost broke such a precious gift in a fit of anger...

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