The Rescue

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Sailor Moon and the Inner Senshi were racing to the basement with a lot of storage doors, but they can't seem to find the Celebrity Hostages.

But then Sailor Moon got an Idea, she played Mariah Carey's song Honey and follows the voice of her, Mariah hit her highest note and found her and the others in the cellar door 3. Sailor Mars burned the door and lock down and freed everyone, Sailor Moon told the celebrities to hide until she heard a scream. It was Suzette (Selena's Sister)

Sailor Moon saw Suzette was in the way of Cyprine's whip, She pushed Suzette out of the way before the whip can shock her.

Then she noticed all the celebrities, Selena's family and the Sailor Guardians defending Selena's Memorial statue.

"Fine then we'll destroy all of you together." said Yolanda

The Witches combined all their powers in attack. The Sailor Guardians used their powers as force field to protect everyone.

Sailor Moon uses her Eternal Scepter to beat back the Witches 5.

She used an Galactic Blast while say "See You in Hell, Candy Girls!

To be Continued...

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