Episode 2 - Out of the lonesome

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I was in trouble for fighting Charlotte. I found it stupid but I had to face the consequences I guess. Until someone came to join the meeting with the principal.. My step mom came, she started having conversations with the principal and Charlotte's father with sign language to apologizing for being late. I'm surprised the principal understood her while I sat by the lounge witnessing my step mother go into grief then apologized to Charlotte's father after explaining what happened. Knowingly he didn't like my mother's apology but accepted with a hand shake then smiled it off, I looked away immediately and avoided the gaze of my step mom as she sat beside me holding my hand on my lap. I side eye her expressing a bit of anger about Charlotte's behavior.
"I'm sorry Ms. Ridgewood.." I mumbled as I changed my mind about Charlotte's case. She sighed and rubbed my hair with satisfaction. Although I didn't like it, I gave in just for her shake. We look so different, I'm lightly brown and she has an almond skin colour. She's mute and only does gestures expressing herself to others and me. I guess the only person I socialize the most, I'm glad she's my only friend.
The principal was busy with 'Mr. Ludwig' the father of Charlotte. His name mentioned over them arguing with detention or something against Charlotte behavior in school policy. I guess I'm scott free from suspension so me and my step mother left the office then she hugged me, waved goodbye and gave me a chocolate cookie in a plastic pouch wrapped in a blue ribbon before leaving. She left and I went separate ways to go back to my classes before school was over but I couldn't let go of the fact Ms. Ridgewood is leaving so soon... I sighed miserably. Right now, I wonder how Ashton is doing but I realized I forgot my bag in the cafeteria.

Back to the Cafeteria;
I suddenly met him back in the cafeteria holding my white and grey checker bag on his left shoulder I noticed. I walk over to him then he suddenly just steps back from me. I was confused then I continued to step forward yet he keeps going backwards slowly from each step I make. I wonder what's wrong.
"Hey, that's my bag..." I calmly ensured him. He didn't seem to care about that by the look of his face so I asked him again, "Why are you stepping away from me?" I tried to get an explanation from him. He tilted his head and asked me in return..
"Why did you help me?" He gave the feeling of confusion and distress from his tone, I didn't understand what he meant by that or is it about his sexuality that everyone bullied him about? "Cause... It's a waste of time to bully others' sexuality." I mustered the courage to make an excuse to get my bag back.
He didn't believe and he stepped a little further away from me. I got a bit pissed yet I understand his behavior a little. So I calmly tried to persuade him nicely. "Look, I thought it was..." --- "It was what? Gross? That I'm gay? Why did you really help me..?" He cut me off with sorrow in his voice. I shook my head no to him about it being gross and tried to express my concern for him. "It's not gross, I don't mind if you're gay but this doesn't have to do with my bag.. I helped you because you shouldn't have stood up for me." I replied calmly however what's with his sudden mood change?
"Oh... Alright, you can have it back." He gave my bag back, and walked away before looking back at me with embarrassment. I was a bit confused about what happened but I needed to use the bathroom before I go to my next session.

At the right hallway;
I walked to the right hallway out of the cafeteria then to the girls bathroom and it was empty. I went to use the stalls and I'm grossed out by the toilet having.. Argh.. gosh.. I immediately left the stalls to go to the next one. I closed the door and used the toilet paper to cover the sit bowl before I sat on it. I heard footsteps walking in so I lifted my legs so nobody knows I'm here. Then one of the girls started talking about Ashton, what's this about him?
"Ashton, the gay boy.. Who does he think he is?" The girl started talking about him with a nasty attitude. "And that girl with the 'dark orange hair..' Who is that new student? Why the hell does she stand up for him? Ain't nobody likes him here but except she helps him?" I noticed she's talking about me.. I wanted to piss in peace before I gave her wwe smackdown. "Hmm... I should leave before someone hears me rambling to myself." She left the bathroom, I wondered what's up with the hate with Ashton? This is a coincidence but I shouldn't dwell on it for too long.
I let go of my bladder for holding it too long. I was in relief I sighed. I got up and put on my underwear then flushed the toilet and left the stalls to wash my hands with water although there was no soap so I had to make the best of it. I left the bathroom and headed to the main classroom just six blocks away from me by the right corner.

Back in the main classroom;
I got back, it's empty and no kids were here except for a teacher just writing on the board acting like class is in session. I didn't start a conversation because he looked tired and grumpy. He's a black old man and has an old fashion outfit for school. He may be 'middle aged' because his hair isn't coming off yet, so I got myself ready to sit at the back as usual... Until this man started speaking to me.
He turned around then looked at me with a smile, "Amy, right? How are you?" I didn't really respond but I replied saying 'okay' while I get my book ready for his lesson.
"I'm Mr. Anderson and I'm your language teacher for your class. I want to get to know you because... The whole classroom is empty and I feel alone so..." He nervously laughs. I felt a bit uneasy yet I just went with the flow. "Alright, Mr. Anderson.. What do you want to know about me?" I asked politely.
"Well, what's your favorite animal? Just a simple question." He said. "Myself.." I replied.
"Haha! Funny humor you got there! You know humans are mammals right? Try again." He courage me. I sighed heavily while closing my book and looked at him. "It's... It's a dove."
"A dove? Very interesting.." He rubbed his chin in fascination, I just stood there confused about what's so special about my opinion? He asked me another question but ensured this was the last one he said.
"Do you love life?" He said. "No." I replied immediately.
His head moved back from my words. I continued to look at him dead in the eye, I waited for his response but he never said anything else. He looked back at the board and wrote something on it, it was written in a different language, I think it's Spanish.
"Write this down.." the bell rang and he left the classroom while I was alone.
I wrote it in my book. I was curious about what this meant to me. I'm a bit wary of him, but he has something to say just for me. Well I left the classroom for physical education that's last on my time table. I'm always out of shape, I'm just a jogging person.

At the Girl's changing room;
I was on the bench getting my black Nike shoes ready for running. Then I see a girl walking towards me from the crowd of girls chatting while changing their clothes away from me. I was always in the corner avoiding people until she came and sat with me. She was white and had short dark blonde hair similar to Ashton's wavey style.
She stared at me before having a conversation, "Hey, I'm Blanche." She softly replied. I looked at her from the side view and made eye contact with her light hazel eyes. "I heard rumors about you and Charlotte. What did you stand up for Ash?" She asked politely.
"I don't know, I just hate bullying I guess.." I replied nonchalantly while I tied my shoelace. I looked at her again and started to change the topic to sports.
"I see your on team blue: The Waterflies. What's your favorite sport?" I smirked. "Oh, I like basketball and that's what we're doing now for PE. Well, I noticed you're wearing my favorite team. The red one: The BeeBolts.. OMG! You're on the popular kid's team.. lucky.." She jealously replied softly.
I wondered who the popular kids were, lucky we had some time left before we started our match. "Who are they?" I asked. "Okay, we got Lucas, Oliver and Lilith. The 'LOL' team, clever right?" Blanche chuckled as I kinda laughed by the trio's name then Blanche explained about them.
"Lucas is such a cute hottie, he has a good aim and loves talking to girls.. A LOT, like a lot.." She rolled eyes over Lucas's weird vibe she intended to signal. "Then Oliver, he's serious and very coordinated.. He's like a tank and a quick runner. I don't like him because he doesn't like me. We're old rivals from elementary." I was interested in her rivalry with Oliver but I'll save that for another day when I get the time then she talks about Lilith she mentioned about.
"Be careful around Lilith, she's a snake and she's a part of Charlotte's group..." She whispered into my ears giving me a chilling sensation. I wonder if I had seen her before.. "What does Lilith look like?" I asked. "Lilith? She has black hair and she's related to Charlotte--" Blanche got cut off by my instant reply I quietly said 'SHIT' in disbelief.
"Yeahh... Not to mention she's very.. hostile." Blanche nervously pat my shoulders. "We should leave, let's not worry about those three. You got me!" Blanche cheerfully smiles.
I got ready with Blanche while everyone in the room was gone except for us, we left the room to go the gym nearby. She looked at me and I stared back at her. She hit me on the right shoulder playfully, I guess we're friends as we step in the battle ground.

To be continued.

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