Hello bitches, bros and non-binary hoes

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Why hello there, I am y/n and welcome to a shit show called my life :)

Another day, another pain. Right now I am lying in my bed listing all the things I need to do today and gathering the will to get up, brush my teeth or maybe drink water first, but the taste of water without brushing my teeth first is uncomfortable... man what should I eat, should I eat? I am not really feeling hungry, but it's healthy. Oh, I can wear that new sweater that I bought!!!!

*Alarm rings*

"Why are you ringing, I don't wanna go to lectures today, I didn't use any absences I can take these two months I can make it." whined, but slowly started getting up.
"But y/n darling you will feel guilty and hate yourself for it. Get up and you shall find happiness in small things, look at the sky, look around you, listen to the music.", saying in a cheery voice trying to hype herself.

So do people talk to them self, also narrate their lives like we are in some reality show? Well I often think to myself what if I were a character in a book, and my life is just a reflection of the author. Maybe how they wanted live, who they wanted to be. And that makes me feel important.

*smiles, not in a y/n way like in the early fan-fictions of y/n, ah those were the times, I thought that was peak entertainment, but ofc we don't do that we are a real character, looks at the non existent camera*

And so the rushed morning routine of Y/n L/n started. Light stretching a.k.a making a starfish and taking her wireless earbuds and putting on her morning playlist. Now we are ready for the rest. Going to the bathroom, brushing her teeth usual skincare routine, because we love a self-caring queen, and finally the main question of the day Who are we today, what do we feel like wearing and do we want to wear a lot of make up or just put some mascara on. Ah yes, we have that new sweater, cue to Sweater Weather playing by The Neighbourhood. Ah a sign.

Do you ever feel miss placed? I do a lot of times. I question every relationship made. Like do they really like me or I am bearable so they could use another person to hang out when they are bored.

*Looking through the backpack to see if we have everything for the day, pretty much we do*

Quietly humming Heavenly by The Cigarettes After Sex ( such an underrated band honestly)
Walking on my tiptoes not to wake up mum, as for my sisters, I couldn't care less they are heavy sleepers and they will go back to sleep easily. I go to the door and put on my shoes, make sure to lock the door, and off to the uni.

Another question to my gentle reader
Is it bad that I talk to my self in plural, like Golum? I have been doing that for sometime, unconsciously, when I realised that it just felt wrong not to. You know, respect to all of my personalities. You know I read somewhere that all those personalities that bloom are pieces of all the people we met, especially those that are dear to us, as well as situations that we went through. I don't for you, but in a sense isn't it sweet that we keep a part of them with us.

"Y/n?", said a deep, albeit a muffled voice.

I turn to the side and lo and behold who stands next to me, WTF why

"Ah, morning Kuroo", tf is wrong with my voice, honestly just fuck you, fuck me, fuck everything.


Hello there, sooo I just wrote this impulsively at 2 in the morning. I got this great idea, after crying my eyes out, because of uni and how overwhelmed I am, and as they are my comfort characters I think of them comforting me lol. so decided to write it so I can go back to it, also idk if you need it, but to share some comfort with the rest of you. Life can be draining and though, but we are going to it and fan-fiction always helps as a little escapism.

Until next time then :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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