23. percabeth

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twenty-three . percabeth
[ narrative ]
Flights & References
summer's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

WALKER UNFORTUNATELY had to already head back to LA since he was needed for filming and never really told Jennifer he was leaving...

We were currently at the airport, and we'd dragged Kate along with us since she was bored and wanted to go along just to torment Walker and I the entire time.

Since Walker and I only got a day and a half together, we're a little bummed, but we know we'll see each other again soon, so it's not as difficult.

"You two gonna be sappy or just sit here?" Kate asks, seeming confused about how calm we both are.

I roll my eyes. "We'll be sappy when he has to leave, but we've got plenty of time to just chill for right now, so obviously we're not gonna stress about it, Kate."

She shrugs. "Valid. Oh, also! We're visiting again in March, aren't we?"

I awkwardly look away from Walker at the question. Yeah... we're visiting March 1st... which is in like two weeks max.

"You're coming to visit in March?! And you didn't say anything?" He sounds a little offended.

"...oops?" I say hesitantly, and he shakes his head at me as he wraps his arms around me.

"You let me spend my money a two-way plane ticket when you were coming to see me in a week?" He scolds me jokingly. "Yknow, if I wasn't worth 1.5 million dollars, i'd be mad at you."

"Hey! I didn't let you do anything! Kate let you! I didn't even know, it was a surprise." I argue. "So if you blame anyone for the money spent on your ticket, blame Kate!"

Kate sends me a look. "This was all his idea, I'm not rich! I don't got the money to pay you back for that shit, and chances are I never will!"

Walker snorts in laughter. "I wasn't gonna make you pay me either way, but okay. And yeah, it was my idea, so what?"

Kate and I share a look. Is he serious right now? Like he actually just asked us that?

Kate and I have gotten extremely good at communicating through our eyes. We can have entire conversations without anyone else knowing what we're saying... except maybe Lauren. She's gotten amazing at reading us as well.

"So it's your fault you spent the money!" Kate and I shout at Walker in unison, and he raises his hands in defense.

"Woah! Don't scream at me, why can't a boy make a mistake these days?" He mutters, and I can't help but laugh at how adorable he is.

I go back to his side, kissing his cheek softly as I smile up at him. He slightly blushes, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"You're adorable, Walkie." I mumble, wrapping my arms around him.

Kate gags behind us. "Okay, I know I love romance books, but I guess it's not the same when it's my best friend. That's enough sappiness! You two are sickeningly adorable together and it makes me want a boyfriend."

"I'm sure we can find you one." I joke, and she shakes her head.

"No thanks, Sum. I'd rather not be set up with some random celebrity just because you guys think we'd be cute together." Kate laughs.

Even if we did wanna set her up with someone, I don't think Kate is really ready for a relationship yet. She needs time to heal from Xander and to cope with losing someone she thought liked her.

While it'll be hard, I know Kate's an amazing and totally capable person, so she'll take what time she needs and then she'll be back out into the world of dating... hopefully to find a good boyfriend this time.

"The one o'clock fight to LA is boarding now. I repeat, the one o'clock fight to LA is boarding now. Please head to the gate if that's your flight, thank you."

I turn to Walker, and he grabs my hand as we hesitantly walk to the gate. Kate tells us she's gonna stay where she is so she doesn't interrupt whatever sappy moment we chose to have.

Walker hugs me tightly, even though we'll see each other in almost exactly a week. I wrap my arms around his torso, and I'm pretty sure there's random civilians taking pictures of us, but I really don't care.

"Walkie, you gotta go or you're gonna miss your flight." I mumble, and he nods as we pull away from the hug.

"I know, Sunshine. I just..."

"Last call for people on the one o'clock flight to LA. This is the last time we'll be announcing that your flight is boarding. The plane leaves in 4 minutes, please board now."

"I'll see you soon, alright?" I whisper, and he nods before kissing me softly.

"I love you, sunshine. I'll see you soon." He replies, turning around to get on the plane.

He loves me? Holy shit. Walker Scobell just told me he loves me.

"I— are you sure?" I blurt, and he immediately looks back at me, taking the few steps back to me that he needed to take.

"I'm one-thousand percent sure, Sunshine. I love you more than Percy loves Annabeth, and you know how much they love each other." He mutters, and I smile at him.

"I love you too, Walkie. I love you so much." I reply, kissing him one last time before shoving him toward the area to board.

"Bye, Sunshine. I'll see you in a week." He whispers, heading to the door to board the plane.

I watch as he walks, and once he's out of my eyesight, Kate appears at my side, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"You alright?" She asks softly, and I nod, not taking my eyes off the spot that Walker just disappeared from.

"Yep." I smile. "He loves me."

Kate smiles at me. "That's sweet, Summer. I'm glad you found someone good for you."

I did find someone good for me. I really, really did.

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

jenna speaks!


connor & Kate's should be finished up within the next few days, and then I've got a new brady fic coming out!!

also if you haven't already, check our Malachi's book for this series! It's under my profile, it's called Just My Type.

I hope you all enjoyed this book!! The epilogue should be posted soon!

𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨 (W.S) ²Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat