20. valentines

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twenty          .          valentines
[ narrative ]
PDA & Bets
summer's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

"YOU SERIOUSLY expect that the two of them aren't gonna start dating within the next week?" I ask Walker, and he nods as if he's obviously correct.

"There's no way they do. Brady's too scared of ruining their friendship to say anything, and you know damn well Lauren won't ask him out first because she's probably still in denial about even liking him!" He explains, and I have to admit, he has a point.

"Hm... maybe you're right, but I still think Brady could ask her this week." I narrow my eyes, and he copies my gesture.

"Okay. Bet with me, then. Ten bucks if he doesn't ask her out this week." Walker challenges, and I immediately accept.

"Deal! I get ten bucks if he does ask her out this week." I reply, and he nods.

We both finish getting ready and head over to the room we're all meeting at to hang out in. Kate already headed over like 10 minutes ago since she was already ready, so that's why she's not currently in the room.

I've been sorta worried about her. Xander broke up with her yesterday, and I know she acting like she's fine, but she's most definitely not fine. All of us girls hung out with her yesterday to try and get her mind off of it, and I'd say it worked.

I'm sad to say that both of us head home really soon, so I'll have to spend even more time away from my best friend... and my boyfriend.

But Walker told me not to focus on that right now, and that we should enjoy our time together while we can.

He's right, of course, but it's hard to do that all the time. I'm trying, and I always have a good time with him, so it isn't as hard as I anticipated.

We grab our things and head to the room we're meeting at... I still don't know who's room it is, but whatever.

When we arrive, everyone's sitting around in a circle. They're mostly talking about things that have to do with their show, so I sorta tune them all out as I sit down next to Walker on the couch.

I lean my head on his shoulder while the group of them talk, and after a few minutes we decide to play Uno. We have to use two decks because there's quite a lot of us, but nobody minds.

We play for a little while before Malachi ends up getting down to one card.

"Uno!" Malachi shouts way too loudly.

𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨 (W.S) ²Where stories live. Discover now