Future Plans (Adrien)

Start from the beginning

So, an hour in and he still wasn't overly sure what they were going to do with the place, but removing Roland was not an option.

"What if we knock through the kitchen and dining room?" she said. "Make it wide and bright, with bi-fold doors running the length of the room and a breakfast bar as a room separator."

"Humm...," he responded in a non-committal way. Everywhere he looked was another zero on the end bill.

Marinette placed a hand on her grandpa's TV. The big black box was covered in dust and grime, causing a dance of dust bunnies to leap around the room. The other ornaments matched the unkempt look too.

The house was a detached five-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bathroom home with a reasonable sized garden on the front and rear of the property. It was also in the centre of the city – in other words, it was prime real estate. While they probably could have sold it for a hefty buck or two, this was more than just bricks and mortar. This was a home they'd both hung around in and laughed in. Roland had become a running joke between the two of them in the best possible way.

It had only been a couple of days since this bombshell had dropped and the aftermath was still apparent. If it hadn't been for Marinette's arms around him, supporting him in a time he should have been doing that to her, he didn't know how he would survive. He was overwhelmed — completely and utterly.

"It's a lot, isn't it? Maybe we should just sell up, and let it go," Marinette said, lifting Adrien from his thoughts.

He moved over to stand beside her as she looked through the window and into the front yard. His arms looped around her waist, pulling her back into him and resting his chin on her shoulder. Anything for a closer touch. "It is...but it'll be worth it!"

She turned in his arms and placed her hands on his shoulders, looking up at him, wide-eyed and with a sparkle of hope. "Adrien, I don't want to get my hopes up."

He wasn't sure whether she meant about the house or their relationship, but heck, how he wanted it to mean both. She had become more accepting of his touch, more recuperative towards it, and although his heart was still trying to defend itself, he couldn't hold back the sliver of hope that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

"Getting the work done will increase the value of the house, at least. Then, even if we don't move in, we can sell it on. No harm, no foul!"

She smiled, a small laugh leaving her mouth as she pushed up on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you for everything," she whispered, her warm breath kissing his neck in soft, succulent huffs.

"You're welcome, M'Lady."

They remained embraced, Adrien wondering if she could feel the hard heartbeat through his chest and into hers. It pushed heavy and strong as they remained together, the ticking of her grandpa's clock counting the seconds they were joined.

Adrien closed his eyes and took in the moment. His imagination began to run wild. This could be their norm, standing in this spot, holding one another, as the children played with their toys in the playroom.

They stood. Still. Silent. Staring. Adrien was unsure whether this would be a perfect time to make a move. It was a moment that would definitely be remembered, but it wasn't special enough. He wanted it to be perfect, and even though her lips looked more appetising than a Sprinkles Cupcake, now was not the time. He could just imagine Roland glaring at them, unimpressed. That is not how it's done!

"So...," He coughed, moving backwards and away from Marinette. He turned away as her eyes dimmed and the connection was broken. He was an absolute mess. "What do you think we should do in the bedroom?"

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