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 The gunfire came from the road, far off in the distance but quickly coming closer. Just barely visible above the trees. an explosion sent a plume of flames and black smoke skyward somewhere up the road. The sky glowed red for a moment before the gunfire resumed. Noah could make out two pairs of headlights though the trees, moving down the mountain road at dizzying speed. Pinpricks of light, gunfire, burst from each vehicle.

Their camp was too close to the road. When they came around the bend in a few moments, there was a chance their headlights would spot them through the trees, and Cole was still crying. Noah doubted they would hear the baby cry over the gunfire, but there was still a chance. They could go deeper into the woods, but what if more creatures like the woman lurked in the trees?

The lights disappeared behind a line of trees. They were probably a mile or two away. Rapid fire resonated through the valley, nearly on them. Noah and his group pressed themselves against the trees when the lead pair of headlights came around the bend nearest to them on the road. Bullets sparked as they ricocheted off the pavement and the body of what Noah made out to be a military jeep. A soldier stood in the turret, firing to the rear as a second jeep screamed around the bend, hot on their tail.

The lead jeep gave a loud pop. Veering side to side on the road, it crashed into a large tree in front of the clearing. The soldier in the turret lurched from the impact, slamming against his turret's ring and slumping into the jeep's interior. The pursuing jeep threw on its brakes but it had too much momentum. It crashed into its prey's rear. Fortunately for the pursuers, they bled off enough speed before the crash, and their jeep didn't suffer nearly as much damage as the lead one. The engine purred away, but with a rattle now. Meanwhile, the jeep they'd been shooting at bellowed smoke from the engine block.

The leading driver rolled out of his seat onto the asphalt. His gunner did not emerge. The driver of the second jeep managed to amble out of his vehicle. He walked in a daze, limping as he stepped away from his jeep, but otherwise, he looked fine. The gunner with him climbed out of the turret and jumped down, helping his driver sit against their jeep. Once his driver settled, the gunner turned his attention to the lead jeep's driver.

"Damnit, Julian, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Julian rolled onto his side, reaching for his sidearm, but the gunner beat him on the draw. He shot Julian in the arm and shook his head. "Don't get brave on me, Corporal. It's time to take your punishment like a man. It didn't have to be like this, you know?"

The gunner grabbed Julian by the collar of his uniform and yanked him to his feet. Julian spit in the gunner's face, earning him a punch to the jaw. They were close enough for Noah to hear the hollow sound of bone on bone.

"Screw you, and screw Colonel Victoria," the driver said. The gunner scowled and threw him back on the ground. He pulled some cuffs from his pocket and bound Julian's wrists. "Hey, Sarg," he said, "what do we do with him?"

Noah's heart jumped at the colonel's name. She led his parents' unit.

The driver shook his head. "Leave him to me. You make sure the other kid is down. Colonel Victoria wants them both back, dead or alive."

Noah looked at his aunt. At the sound of the colonel's name, she'd aimed her gun at the soldiers from her prone position. Lily huddled over Cole, muffling his crying just enough that it wasn't giving their position away, but still, it was loud. They were going to hear him over the sound of their engine if they focused.

The gunner peered into the wrecked jeep. Seemingly satisfied with what he saw, he returned to his jeep and frowned at the white smoke creeping out from under the hood. As he slid his hand under the hood, the engine belched and uttered a metallic clank.

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