Chapter 1

16 1 0

3rd person:

The bell rung throughout the building, letting the children know to make it to their 1st lesson of the school year. The classrooms were beginning to fill up and everyone looking for their seats with their names on it. The classes were beaming of chatter bouncing off the walls.

"A... a... a...alisa!" the brunette girl yelled to herself. She placed her bag down on the floor and took a small look around to see everyone taking their seats. She placed her blue back pack onto the floor pulling the zipper open taking out her pencil case and her note book decorated in flowers. She flicked the pen back and forth in her hands waiting for the day to start. The teacher clapped his hands and the class became silent. "Good morning everyone!" he turned to the white board and picked up a black marker. "My name is  Mr Davis. I am lucky to have a class like you this year. Great to have a wide range of ages to teach". He placed down the marker and made his way over to his desk. "This year we will be studying more outside of the books with history since, I know it can get boring having your head in a book all the time". He opened up his laptop and once he was about to type in his password the door swung open. A short girl with blue hair walked right across the front of the class room catching stares from everyone. A short white skirt , white boot wedge heels and a blue cropped jumper. She was carrying her jacket in her arms and her backpack was around her shoulder. She slammed her books down onto the table and threw herself into the chair. "Welcome back Iris".

It wasn't too long before another person walked in, she had baggy black cargos a white crop top and a light black cardigan over herself. She walked in and waved to Mr Davis and for some reason these students knew exactly where they were sitting. "I'm guessing the rest of you are coming too" Mr Davis let out a loud sigh waiting. A tall boy with brunette hair along with a tall boy with black hair walked in together. "Morning sir" the brunette boy greeted. "One more..." he let out a deeper sigh when the door finally shut. "Morning Ben please take your seat" Ben stood there looking at him confused "you weren't even looking at me?" Mr davis just pointed Ben to where he was supposed to be sitting.

"Now we have a full class! Let me talk through the history project we will be doing". On the board behind him displayed a slide show of the rules towards the project. He explained everything in detail to the students. "You have to join groups, some people will have uneven numbers but have at least 6 people in your group!". The classroom began to fill with chatter and before anything was said there was only 7 people left. "Well look at that! you all get to be a group" Mr Davis clapped his hand and gave us all a smile.

They all moved their desks together and stared at each other. "I've never seen you before who are you?" Iris pointed at the brunette girl looking her up and down. "I'm new, I'm Alisa". Iris rolled her eyes. "Ignore her she's probably in a bad mood. I'm Maya", Maya flashed her a nice smile "I'm Ben, nice to meet you". Maya points towards a brunette boy "that's Rusty he is awkward around new people but he'll come around don't worry!" Rusty lifted his head up and flashed a small smile and waved, "I'm Enzo and that's Mike" Enzo pointed at the boy beside him. "So what are we doing our project about?" Alisa asked the group seeing ideas they could come up with. "How about we focus on the Savannah?" Mike suggested while pointing at the board showing the location of it. "Doesn't seem too bad hope it's a bit easy" Maya let out a light laugh and they all began to chatter away. "Why aren't you talking?" Ben turned to Iris lift one eyebrow "because I don't want to virgin." he let out a sigh "can you stop fucking calling me that?" she had a smirk on her face and mouthed the word 'no' and blew him a kiss.

"Can I have everyone's attention please! I hope you all have made your decision for your projects" He closed his laptop while standing up. "I want you all to collect a permission slip from the top of my desk to visit the Savannah if anyone has chosen to do this as their topic!" He let out a bright smile towards the class. "I'm sure this is something you all would like to do" he stared over at where the group were sitting. 'Something about that isn't right..' Enzo thought.

The bell rung and everyone took a permission slip as the classroom began to empty out. The group agreed to sit with each other for lunch to exchange numbers and talk more about their plan for the project.

Alisa was sitting down beside Rusty who was away in his own world drawing little figures on his note book while Alisa was reading a script of a play. "What you two up to?" Maya sat down across from them putting a small piece of food in her mouth. "Just looking over some work". Maya nodded right back at the brunettes waiting for the rest to show up. Ben, Enzo and Mike walked into the cafeteria together. "Where is Iris?" Rusty questioned, "she'll be here soon" Ben responded quickly. "I have came up with an idea for our project" Rusty smiled and flipped the page of his note book and showed them all the layout he had planned. "That seems really good, the pretty boy has some brains". Rusty looked away quickly at Mikes words and began to feel himself heat up. "Are you o-" Mike was interrupted by Iris slamming her stuff down on the table. "Why is your hair so messy?" Maya looked Iris up and down. "Is it that bad? can you brush it please" Iris hands Maya the pink brush she had in her hands. "Oi fix your shirt" Enzo says in a straight serious tone. Everyone looks right at her shirt to see half her bra was showing. "Thanks Enzo" she looked away quickly while panting. "All done!" Maya put the hair brush down onto the table. "Your hair is so long Iris" Alisa blushed a little "I know it's too much hair but i would never cut it! who would pull it back then". Maya , Iris Rusty and Alisa began to laugh while the others focused on Enzo about to murder someone.



SBG || remake of friends (not the characters)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz