Home sweet home

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A/n: in this fic the Rosier family are Pakistani bc they are in my dr. This fic is also on my ao3 jegulus1981

Our little group
Has always been and always will be

Groggily, Aurora gives Effie a kiss on the cheek before going to hug Mont whilst rubbing her eyes. She'd been woken up way too early, due to Sirius and James running into her room like overactive toddlers to remind her it was their first day back at school;  did they really need to wake her up at 5am to say that? Pricks.

After Monty lets go of Aurora, he pulls Sirius into a hug as he did with James, who is currently whining over Effie kissing him, just moments before.

After enough of his windging, James caves in and accepts the peck on his cheek.
As the trio are about to leave for the train, Effie reminds them,
"I don't want any more owls from Albus, or Minerva. I mean it you three- behave."

All three of them stare at her innocently, although James is the only one who looks remotely afraid. After growing up in the powerful houses of Rosier and Black, Aurora and Sirius learnt nothing could be worse and are therefore fearful of nothing. Running to the Potter home would always be their best decision.

But just to keep themselves from getting a slipper to the head, the both of them nod. Effie is still a fear striking woman when she wants to be.

And with that Monty gives each of the them a pat on the head before apperating away with Effie, leaving the triad to board the train. 

It's way too early for this, too many footsteps, too many conversations and way too many people who absolutely hate Aurora. The black haired girls been at the platform for what, 5 minutes? And she's sure she's revived at least 7 glares; it's a record at this point. James and Sirius feeding into the attention definitely hasn't helped.

Still, she trudges through and wanders through the narrow yet cozy halls of the Hogwarts express. After giving Sirius and James a hug whilst she explains she's going to visit Marlene, despite the annoying whines of both boys, Aurora walks off into the deep and long corridor of the train. Where the fuck is McKinnon? Honestly, after 6 years of this you'd think they have some sort of way to find eachother-

The south Asian frowns as she realises where she is. The compartment is sleek and a little dreary, leather seats and dark wood.
This is not the Gryffindor compartment... it's the complete opposite. Fuck.
The first thing Aurora notices is the 5 sets of eyes trained on her.

Pandora Rosier, a pretty and blonde Ravenclaw in the year below and Auroras cousin/ once upon a time best friend, stares at her with a slight smile.

Although, Evan -whose hair is just as pale- seems to be glaring at her with all he can muster, so it isn't really Auroras fault when she blows him a sarcastic kiss and flips him off. How could she resist when her little cousins so easily annoyed?

The heir to the house of Rosier rolls his eyes, but smiles a little despite himself. Beside him, a slightly taller boy with a rather scary look glares at Aurora like his life depends on it and the girl almost laughs; Barty really is dramatic. He gives Sirius and her a run for their money.

Dorcas just sighs and looks away, fidgeting with her dark and pretty braids,'but what really catches Aurora's attention is the pair of grey eyes beside her.

Regulus Black is burning holes into her face, peering into her very soul. If he wasn't such a prick the Gryffindor would probably  find it hot.

Aurora glares back at pallid boy but can't help the little grin on her face, kohl rimmed,
brown eyes clashing with grey. She tilts her head slightly as her mouth opens. And instantly closes since the younger Black  has his wand out and pointing at her, challenge dancing in his pretty eyes as a flash of red light narrowly misses the girl, leaving a dark mark in the wall right behind her.

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