Why care

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Overtime as our life gets to be more chaotic and stuff gets to be crazy in the world a lot of people go and take their anger and frustration out on just random people, but we never stop to think why care why not see how it would affect that person that we are treating horribly why should we care that is what I'm thinking right now in my head why should I care that? I'm getting called a pedophile for not understanding somebody was under age. I am sorry. I have a cognitive learning delay. I have dyslexia. I have ADHD. I have borderline personality disorder, but I don't let that stop me from being me, but why should I care if I'm getting called the pedophile if I'm getting called I'm a sick bitch that needs to be put in a mental institution. Why should I care that? Because honestly, a lot of people have life and we all need to stop taking her anger out on people and stop harassing people and stop bullying people for little mistakes but we need to all understand that when a person says sorry and they apologize that means it's done and over with and a fresh start a clean plate, doesn't matter to people on here even though people apologize they still go and continue to harass that person and bully that person. What's the good of that? The person already said sorry you should be able to accept and move.

Book eight of my life of the new year Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz