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Days had passed since that furtive meeting between Duke Nicholas and Penelope Featherington

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Days had passed since that furtive meeting between Duke Nicholas and Penelope Featherington. Even though the redhead didn't think about it constantly, she remembered his words with esteem and appreciation. There was a certain wisdom behind such trifles.

Normally, she would interpret people's praise as mockery and sarcasm, as that was what she was used to. But Nicholas was different.

That was going to change soon. Penelope was willing to show herself to society in a different way. Like a new creature reborn. Just as the gentleman Edevane had advised her. Gain some confidence, acquire and behave confidently. That was what she needed, to write her own destiny. To obtain what she gave herself hope for.

The naive redhead that everyone foolishly used as a joke to get a laugh would be completely transformed. And her situation would not progress if the young woman didn't take action on the matter. She had to take the first step.

Stop being a wallflower and become a true flower, she's ready to bloom in the midst of adversity. Expose a new point of view to the world. Show them that even a girl like her could stand out in a crowd.

That she could be a beautiful, desired woman. A woman worthy of courting. She would make them swallow every slightest word of rejection, every insult and contempt. Lord Fife, Cressida, her family, Colin Bridgerton. Emphasizing that last one more, just for being a total idiot.

But she knew that under her mother's care she wouldn't get very far. Especially because she limited her a lot, even in her clothing. And worse yet, because Portia's biggest priority was her sisters. She wanted to marry them first, since, according to her mother, marrying Penelope would be impossible.

And her future was written, she was forced to stay at the widow Featherington's side throughout her aging. In an endless drift. It seemed more like a punishment, a merciless joke of life. Even though, she loved Portia, just for being her mother.

One not very good, if you asked her. Since she, does not give Penelope any attention, and as soon as she approached her to comment her feelings and thoughts, she was completely ignored. Prudence and Philippa, her sisters, weren't much help either. And her mother even allowed them frequent denigration on the redhead.

Instead of teaching her, directing her. If they were, at least, somewhat supportive or empathetic like the Bridgerton siblings used to be with Pen, everything would be so different.

If she was honest with the world, a prison and the Featherington house were no different. Every minute inside those doors and walls became an ordeal. Each time, it was less bearable for Penelope to live together under the same roof.

She needed to get away from her relatives, from that toxic and poisonous environment. The only solution to escape is, getting a husband. A good one. But, clearly, knowing the Ton and misfortune that Colin surely worsened with his comments, it would be very - too - complicated to find a suitor at this point in life.

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