Insania Academy

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So this is two one-shots about my OCs, Louis Delacour-Weasley, Fleur and Bill's son, and Alessia Zabini, the daughter of Blaise Zabini and another OC. As will follow for all of the stories in this book, if enough people want me to write more about them (like properly, not AI generated) I will add them to the (far, far too long) list of my WIPs. Otherwise, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

Part one

In the heart of magical Italy, where ancient secrets whispered through cobblestone streets and enchanted canals, two extraordinary children forged an unbreakable bond. Their names echoed through the hidden alleys, their laughter a symphony of mischief and magic.

Alessia Marcella Zabini, the heir to Italy's clandestine magical mafia, was a force to be reckoned with. Her dark brown skin held the warmth of sun-kissed terracotta, and her feline green eyes sparkled with secrets. Gold eyeshadow adorned her lids, a touch of rebellion against the rigid traditions that bound her. Her wild, loose curls framed her face like a tempest, and she wore a strapless red dress that flowed like liquid fire. Perched jauntily on her head was a deep teal beret—a nod to her mischievous spirit.

Beside her stood Louis Delacour-Weasley, a child born of veela blood and curse-breaking lineage. His light tanned skin bore the memory of ancient spells and hidden tombs. His vivid blue eyes held the wisdom of forgotten incantations, and his red hair, fading to yellow, was pinned up in a twisted bun. Freckles danced across his nose, a testament to his love for adventure. He favored loose dark blue tops that billowed like storm clouds, paired with tight black trousers that allowed him to move freely.

Their parents believed they attended a prestigious magical academy, where they studied spells, potions, and history. Little did their parents know that Alessia and Louis had created their own school—the Insania Academy—a place where rules were bent, and magic was woven into every lesson. It began as just the two of them,  but more and more magical (and even a few non-magical) children joined them as their reputation grew.

In the moonlit courtyard of the Insania Academy, the cobbled forums of Italy, the twisting streets of France and the chaotic cities of England, Alessia and Louis practiced their unique curriculum. They honed their skills in Lies and Deception, mastering the art of illusion and misdirection. Alessia taught Louis how to charm his way out of any situation, while he showed her the subtle dance of diplomacy.

PR Skills were their next subject. They invented fantastical stories about mythical creatures, leaking them to the magical tabloids just to watch the chaos unfold. Alessia's favorite headline read, "Gorgon Love Triangle: Who Stole Medusa's Heart?"

Salesmanship came naturally to them. They sold enchanted trinkets—self-stirring cauldrons, invisibility cloaks with a tendency to giggle—to unsuspecting tourists. The gold they earned funded their escapades.

Languages were their playground. Fluent in Italian, French, and English, they whispered secrets in three tongues. Alessia once convinced a French baker that her croissants held ancient spells of prosperity. The baker's business boomed overnight.

Magic was their birthright. Alessia excelled in Defensive Magic, her spells fierce and unyielding. Louis's Charms were whimsical—umbrellas that danced in the rain, teacups that sang sonnets. Occasionally, they dabbled in Transfiguration, turning pebbles into butterflies just for the joy of it.

Tactics? They played lazy games of chess in the forums of Italy, moving pieces with a flick of their fingers. Alessia's queen was a cunning strategist, while Louis's knight had a penchant for moonlit escapades.

And then there was Politics. They attended secret meetings, eavesdropping on powerful wizards and witches. Alessia once convinced the Minister of Magic to wear mismatched socks and a Muggle tie  during a crucial speech. The resulting chaos distracted the entire magical council.

Their best-kept secret? Their business partnership. Alessia and Louis created a world where magic and commerce intertwined. They plotted mergers between magical families, brokered deals with enchanted creatures, and even  opened a magical café where the coffee brewed itself.

As the sun dipped below the Venetian horizon, Alessia and Louis stood on the edge of a canal, their reflections shimmering in the water. "To the Insania Academy," Alessia declared, raising her beret in a mock toast.

"To chaos, friendship, and magic," Louis replied, his eyes alight with mischief.

And so, in the heart of Europe, these two magical children danced between countries, their laughter echoing through time. The Insania Academy thrived, fueled by their audacity and the promise of a world where imagination knew no bounds.

               Part two

Alessia Marcella Zabini and Louis Delacour-Weasley embarked on their most daring adventure during the Midsummer Night's Eclipse—a celestial event that occurred once every century. The moon would align with the sun, creating a magical portal that connected three countries: Italy, France, and England.

Their mission? To steal the Elixir of Time, a legendary potion rumored to grant its drinker the ability to manipulate time itself. Alessia had heard whispers of its existence in the hidden archives of the magical mafia, while Louis had deciphered cryptic clues in ancient veela texts.

Their journey began in Venice, where they boarded a gondola adorned with enchanted lanterns. The waterway shimmered with moonlight, and Alessia's eyes glinted with anticipation. "To the Elixir," she declared, raising her glass like a battle standard.

Louis adjusted his messy bun, his freckles dancing as he grinned. "To chaos," he amended, clinking his cup against hers.

Their first stop was the Louvre Museum in Paris. Disguised as art enthusiasts, they infiltrated the exhibit on alchemical relics. Alessia distracted the guards with a whispered spell, while Louis used his veela charm to convince the curator that they were long-lost descendants of Nicolas Flamel.

The Elixir was hidden within a Renaissance painting—a portrait of a veiled woman with eyes that shifted between past and future. Alessia sliced through the canvas with a concealed dagger, revealing a vial of liquid silver. Louis pocketed it, and they vanished into the night.

Next, they apparated to Stonehenge, where the ancient stones hummed with forgotten magic. Alessia recited an incantation, and the portal opened—a swirling vortex that led to the heart of England. They stepped through, their hair ruffled by time's breath.

In the British Museum, they encountered their greatest challenge: a guardian sphinx. Its riddles tested their wits, and Louis's cunning saved the day. "What has a heart that doesn't beat?" the sphinx asked.

Louis grinned. "A painting," he replied, and the sphinx bowed, granting them passage.

Finally, they reached the Elixir's resting place: the Garden of Lost Hours. Moonflowers bloomed, their petals glowing like stardust. Alessia uncorked the vial, and the elixir shimmered—a liquid dance of past and future.

But there was a catch. The Elixir demanded a sacrifice: a memory they cherished. Alessia chose the day her father first taught her to play chess, while Louis sacrificed the taste of his grandmother's alemon tarts.

They drank, and time rippled around them. Alessia's dark curls turned silver, and Louis's freckles rearranged into constellations. They glimpsed their own futures—Alessia leading the magical mafia, Louis deciphering ancient veela prophecies that had been thought lost forever.

As the eclipse waned, they returned to Venice, their laughter echoing across the canals. Alessia wore her beret askew, and Louis's bun had come undone. They had stolen time itself, and in doing so, they rewrote their destinies.

The Insania Academy celebrated their return with a feast of enchanted pastries, before they reluctantly returned to their homes. Alessia's father raised an eyebrow at her silver hair, while Lysander's curse-breaking parents exchanged knowing glances.

And so, the mischievous duo continued their adventures, their pockets filled with stolen moments and the taste of fresh pastry lingering on their tongues. The Elixir of Time had granted them power, but it was their friendship that defied the ages—a bond stronger than any magic, any potion, any eclipse.

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