Calm before the storm

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Riddle me this...

If school is supposedly filled with 'bright minds' then whose dumbass idea was it to give out assignments and homework in the first week of school.

People think I'm just some stuck-up smart girl but truthfully speaking, I hate school as much as the next stereotypical jock does.

I'm pulled out of my train of thought by a hushed voice,
"-kura, are you listening?" asks the ashy blonde girl beside me.

I take a wild guess, "Uhm, the weather?"

She rolls her eyes annoyed, I'm guessing I got it wrong.
"First of all not even close, Second couldn't you at least guess something a bit more realistic, I mean the weather's been the same all month."

"Okay sorry, go on"

She hums in amusement,
"Well as you know Ms Chun is still as bitchy as ever. Like the woman knows I have problems hearing yet she still seats me at the back, and next to Lee Heeseung at that, I mean, the boy is practically a walking, breathing fog horn."

I stifle a laugh but quickly compose myself when I catch her serious gaze on me.

Leaning on the table for support, she rubs her temples and continues.
"I don't think my hair is blonde anymore Sakura, I think it's turning grey, that's how stressed I am!"

I lean closer to inspect the distressed girl.

"Oh shit you're right, you better start looking for retirement homes before it's too late," sarcasm dripping from my tongue as I gave her a 'worried' look.

I laugh as I'm met with a shove by the vexed girl.

"Yah! It's not funny. What if you were forced together with Ni-ki hmm? How would you feel?"

My face drops at the mention of the infuriating boy whom I thought I knew so well, apparently not.

The last period, took long enough!

Usually, I would be overjoyed seeing as it's Friday meaning I would have the weekend to clear my mind, but not much clearing of the mind can be done when you have 3 assignments due the second I step on school grounds next Monday.

"Better get a head start," I say, draping my headphones over my ears and returning to my work.

See as much as I hate it, being the 'perfect student' has its perks. Like I don't have teachers breathing down my neck 24/7, scolding me or telling me to take off my headphones and pay attention.

A couple of minutes go by when I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder breaking me out of my focused state.

"Sakura, class ended seven minutes ago." My teacher alerts me.

"Oh thank you, have a good week," I say bowing quickly before rushing out of the prison-like classroom.

Crap, I'm gonna be late for my bus!

I rush down the hallway, trying to zip up my backpack, my school supplies threatening to spill out from the opening.

I'm not watching where I'm going, I should be, I curse myself for not.

All of a sudden I'm hit with a brick-like force almost making me topple over.

Regaining my balance, I look up to see the cause and am met with the last person I expected to see.

Nishimura Riki.



first chap done,
hope you enjoyed it and pls, if you have any recommendations or notes
pls share cause' i have no idea where this is going. 😝

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