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─── ・જ⁀➴ 21 જ⁀➴・ ───


The next day dawned bright and clear, with a gentle breeze stirring the leaves of the trees as Mark made his way to the entrance of Yangpyeong. He stood at the designated meeting spot, scanning the road for any sign of his friends' arrival.

Mark stood at the entrance to Yangpyeong, he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. His friends were due to arrive soon, and he wanted everything to go smoothly. He glanced at his phone, checking the time, and then looked down the road, scanning for any sign of their car.

As he waited, Mark's thoughts drifted back to the previous day's encounter with Yeojung. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him since their meeting at the cafe. Something about her behavior had seemed off, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had somehow upset her without realizing it.

After a few minutes, he spotted it in the distance, a small rental car making its way towards him. Mark waved excitedly as the car pulled up, and his friends piled out, greeting him with smiles and laughter.

The air was filled with excitement as Mark's friends stepped out of the car, their energy infectious as they greeted him with enthusiasm. Haiden was the first to step out of the car, his smile radiant behind his chanel sunglasses. "Mark!" he called out, his voice filled with excitement and warmth. His smile was like a beacon of warmth.

Mark greeted him with a grin, stepping forward to meet his friend. They performed their unforgettable handshake, a ritual they had created back in their high school days. "It's good to see you guys," Mark said, genuinely happy to be reunited with his friends.

Joaquin's boisterous entrance was just as expected, his hug lifting Mark off his feet for a moment. "Joaquin, watch it!" Mark laughed, patting his friend's back. "You're gonna crush me."

Joaquin set him back down with a hearty laugh, his muscles bulging beneath his shirt. "Sorry, man! Just excited to see you!"

Gio and Chen followed suit, their banter lightening the mood even further. "Man, you've been hitting the gym hard, huh?" Mark teased Joaquin, eyeing his friend's impressive physique.

Gio nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's been pumping iron like it's his job."

Chen, always the jokester, couldn't resist adding his own commentary. "I think his biceps are bigger than my head!"

Andy's eyes widened in amazement as he took in Joaquin's muscular arms. "Wow, Joaquin, you've been holding out on us!"

Rhys emerged from the passenger seat, stretching his arms above his head. "Finally! Some fresh air," he exclaimed, taking in a deep breath.

As the group gathered around Mark, they exchanged hugs and greetings, their excitement palpable. Mark felt a surge of happiness at being reunited with his friends, a feeling he had missed dearly during his time in Yangpyeong.

Rhys, ever the voice of reason, brought the conversation back down to earth with his dry humor. "Let's not forget why we're here, guys. We're here to support our friend, remember?"

Mark nodded, grateful for Rhys's reminder. "Yeah, thanks, Rhys. It means a lot to have you guys here."

"So, where are we staying?" Gio asked, breaking the brief silence that had fallen over the group.

Mark scratched his head, realizing he hadn't actually figured that part out yet. "I was actually hoping Yeojung could help us with that," Mark glanced around the bustling street, his anticipation growing as he waited for Yeojung to arrive.

They had exchanged a few texts earlier, and he had been looking forward to seeing her again. As he scanned the crowd, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of spending time with her.

Suddenly, he spotted her hurrying towards him, her brow glistening with sweat from the exertion of rushing to meet him. Despite the sweat, Yeojung's face lit up with a bright smile as she approached, her eyes sparkling with warmth.

"Sorry I'm late!" she exclaimed breathlessly, coming to a stop in front of Mark. "There was a group of tourists who needed help finding their way, and I couldn't just leave them stranded!"

Mark smiled in response, his heart fluttering at the sight of Yeojung's infectious energy. "No worries," he said, waving off her apology. "I'm just glad you made it."

Yeojung's smile was polite but guarded. "Hello, everyone. It's nice to meet you all," she said, offering a small bow.

Mark introduced Yeojung to his friends, explaining her role in helping him settle into Yangpyeong. "I was thinking she could help us to our accommodation for your trip here," he added, hoping his friends would warm up to her as he had.

Gio raised an eyebrow, looking Yeojung up and down. "Well, if Mark trusts you, then I guess we can too," he said, extending a hand. "I'm Gio, by the way."

Yeojung shook his hand, her smile widening slightly. "Nice to meet you, Gio. I'm Yeojung."

With introductions out of the way, the group set off to find accommodations for their stay in Yangpyeong. As they walked, Mark couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events that had brought his friends to him.

a/n: Okay, before there will be any confusion- Mark's friends are the dreamies, just in case no one has picked up yet.

Then, they're actually asian despite most of their surnames(mixed), they became friends because of that during their high school days. The reason Mark got to learn korean was also because of them and slight chinese bc of rhys(renjun)&chen(chenle).

Okay, that's all.


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