Chapter Seven: Dream of past

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Mrs.Mili are you here.
Mrs.Mili hello.There is a order for you.

Who is calling now.What's the order .
Oh,First I have to go .
Then I opened the door . I saw a man is standing with a big box. But wait wait I didn't order anything.
Excuse me, it's not my order . I think you have come to the wrong address.
No mem,I have come to the right address.See that this address is written on the box. Please mem sign here .
Please try to understand this is not my order.I have not ordered anything from your store.
No mem,The order is in your name.So you have to receive these.
I don't know whose order it is why I keep it.So cancel these order.
Mem sorry, It's already paid, we can't cancel it.
Here is your order mem. Have a nice day.

Wait wait .....
He is gone. what does it mean.

Lily,Now what happened again, why are you screaming ?You ruined my sleep .
Mili,see these just see these.
Lily,yes a parcel. So what's wrong in this.What is there to shout about?
Mili, Hey, that's the crux of the problem. I didn't order anything.
Lily,It's such a simple thing.Someone seems to have given you a gift.
Mili,But who will give me a present?
Lily, your boyfriend could also or someone else.
Mili,But why would he give me anything?
Lily,He is your boyfriend so why he can't give you a small gift ? Call and ask him about these Stupid. I'm going to sleep again.
Mili, okay .you are very lazy. Now go .

I came to the room with the parcel.I am calling him but why he is not picking up my call.
Should I open these. I think he gave it.So let's take a look.too heavy packaging shit.
But look at the dress ,oh my god it's so beautiful. I can't believe on my eyes.Oh my god Oh my god.
Wait a minute I don't even know who gave it to me why I am so happy.What a new problem.Let's see if there are any notes inside.
I got it smart i am. Okay okay let's open these .

My little princess,It was your first wish when you were eight years old. Your dream Cinderella gown.One day I will make all your dreams come true. I hope you will come to my house wearing this dress on the 20th April.I'll just wait for you.Please don't break my hope.

what does it mean.Does he consider me his doll?Will it always be what he wants?Not everything will go his way. Why he doesn't understand. I'm definitely not going.
Just enough. I need some fresh air. It's just intolerable.
After some times I came to a rever bank . I don't know why but when I look at the sands of the river bank I feel a strong pain .The pain of losing everything is like sand on a river bank . Those sands are always waiting for water to come and soak them and in this hope the year passed. It's sounds strange.
Slowly the sun started to sink on the river bank.
And I also thought about returning home.
Obviously I can't avoid problems but I can solve them no doubt.So I'm coming Mr.Malhotra .

As the day of his party drew closer, my nerves intensified. The thought of stepping back into his world filled me with a mixture of excitement and dread. Would I be able to handle seeing him again, knowing the history between us.
I'm becoming so much upset I know. But I have to go no matter what .
Slipping into the dress he had given her, a childhood wish fulfilled, I couldn't help but feel a rush of conflicting emotions swirl within me. The gown, reminiscent of Cinderella's, draped around me like a cloak of memories, each fold whispering tales of our shared past.

As I twirled before the mirror, the fabric swirled around me in a dance of enchantment, casting shadows of doubt and longing across my reflection. His scent lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of the love we once shared and the dreams we dared to chase.

With trembling fingers, I fastened the final button, my heart pounding with anticipation. The dress, a token of our intertwined past, seemed to hold the weight of unspoken promises and shattered illusions. Tonight, as I stepped into his world once more, I couldn't shake the feeling that wearing this dress was not just about reliving a childhood fantasy, but about confronting the reality of our unfinished story.
But how I'm looking actually. Whome I should ask.As I made my way to the party, the familiar streets seemed to blur into a collage of memories and emotions. Each step closer to his mansion felt like a journey back in time, retracing the footsteps of a love that had once defined me.

With each passing moment, my heart grew heavier with the weight of unanswered questions and unresolved feelings. Would tonight be the night when we finally laid our ghosts to rest, or would it only serve to reopen old wounds?

The dress he had given me swirled around me, a silent reminder of the dreams we had once shared and the promises we had failed to keep. Yet beneath the layers of fabric and nostalgia, I couldn't shake the gnawing sense of uncertainty that gripped me.

As I approached the grand entrance to his estate, a part of me yearned to turn back, to retreat into the safety of the past rather than face the unknown future that awaited me inside. But deep down, I knew that I couldn't outrun the inevitable forever.

With a steadying breath, I squared my shoulders and stepped through the threshold, ready to confront whatever fate had in store for me on the other side.

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