Pained Heart

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Helaena would be lying if she said she's okay. She was everything but okay, but especially angry. VERY ANGRY. She felt like Daemon was a Gods sent for trying so hard to talk her out of unleashing her wrath on Joffrey, but didn't succeed. Daemon hated the boy who married the woman he fell in love with years ago. But this would be the only exception where he'd feel bad for Joff. 

"Helaena- think this through. Clearly-" Daemon tried but was cut off.

"Clearly they're playing behind my back here! Neither of them care about the actual people who make it possible for Kings and Queens to rule!" Helaena said loud and clear. She was marching towards her shared bedroom with Joffrey who was grinning at his beloved crossbow collection. 

"My love-"

"No. Do not 'My Love' me." Helaena stated, causing Joffrey to immediately shut up. He was a fool but not foolish enough to not see and hear how angry his wife was. "You and Cersei are absolutely insufferable."

"What did we do?!"

"What did you do?" Helaena scoffed. "What didn't you do?! Do you understand that it is the people that give us the power to rule? What the fuck do you get if you rule with fear and violence? Your head on a bloody spike and the people parading it!"

There was a moment of silence.

"And those innocent children you've ordered your men to kill? Congratulations. You're a monster Joff." Helaena sighed, rubbing her temples. "Don't you have anything to say to that? Not one thing?"

"If i hadn't ordered my men to kill them, the rumors would've made the people believe my father's bastards are a better claim to the throne-"

"But they can't be. You married a Targaryen - whom the Iron Throne actually belongs to and I'm pregnant. Take it or leave it Joffrey but I refuse to let you terrorize our people." Helaena stated sternly.

"..You're pregnant?" Joffrey asked dropping down to his knees with a large smile. Helaena could see tears forming in his eyes. 

"I am. So I don't need my Husband going around and killing people for fun." Helaena said with a roll of her eyes. "We promised we'd do this together, right?"


"So listen to me for once. Murdering everyone and everything that you think has something against you or hates you or I don't even know what else - It's not going to solve your problem, it'll make it worse." Helaena tried to explain, no longer feeling the anger she had not even ten minutes ago. "Every great King has an even greater Queen by his side. And together they rule the Seven Kingdoms in peace and harmony. Not with fear and death."

"But I... Everyone despises me already. Fear is the only way I can get them to obey."

"Perhaps. But not anymore, my love."

~Meant to Burn Together~

Helaena Targaryen nearly felt bad for slightly manipulating her husband, but she also did it for her and her Kingdoms. The Queen learned from a very young age what happens when Kings rule with fear and go mad, her very own father being a prime example.

What else she also felt were her hormones flowing through her veins. She became sensitive to smells, and often times couldn't bear to be around many people, feeling like she heard every single breath. The only person she felt like she could normally be around was Daemon. Daemon helped and was with her, no matter what. He didn't need to ask if she needed anything, it's almost like he knew every single thing that went through her mind.

Meant to Burn Together - Helaena TargaryenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora