Overdose of LSD (harry)

Start from the beginning

Harry's POV

The night was still young, and so was I. In the solitude of my room, I slipped into my favorite shirt- the one that made me feel like I could take over the world. Technically I wasn't really sneaking out; after all, the guys aren't my parents. But a small voice in my head whispered that maybe I should've mentioned something. Well too late now.

The music was a distant call as I walked down the street, the rhythm growing stronger with each step. The party was in an abandoned mall, a place that once buzzed with life and now echoed with the sound of celebration.

I followed the arrows to a staircase awash in blue light, leading to a room where the music wasn't just heard- it was felt.

Stepping inside, the energy hit me like a wave. The room was alive, pulsing with beats and bodies moving in sync. I'd never been to a party like this before, and it was exhilarating.

The drink bar was my first stop, and as I pondered over a menu of unfamiliar concoctions, a voice cut through the noise.

"Hey there, handsome. Sparkling water, huh? Nothing fun?" A woman's words were playful, a challenge wrapped in a smirk.

I hesitated, "I've got work tomorrow," but her laughter was infectious.

"I'm Elisha! C'mon, just one drink. I'll pay," she offered, and eventually I found myself agreeing.

The drink she chose for me was a mystery, a mix of colors and a promise of a good time. Her friends; a lively bunch; joined us, and I sipped the drink, letting the taste and the company wash over me.

We talked, we laughed, and for a moment, I forgot about everything else. When they suggested stepping outside for a breather, I was all in. The cool air was a sharp contrast to the heat of the crowd. But then, the offer changed-drugs.

My refusal was firm, "Uhm, no no, l'm not really into that stuff." But they were persistent, and under the weight of their encouragement, I reluctantly accepted just one.

Back inside, the pill seemed harmless at first. I was still me, just a bit more relaxed, a bit more daring. The music enveloped me, and I found myself moving to the beat, the center of my own universe. They handed me a few extras, "for later," they said. I pocketed them without a second thought.

Time blurred. The drinks flowed, and the pills-they were just another part of the night. I took them without counting, without realizing. The party soared to new heights, and so did I. But what goes up must come down.

Suddenly, the room spun. The laughter turned to a buzz in my ears, and the lights blurred into streaks. I felt sick, the fun replaced by a gnawing feeling in my gut. I needed to get out, to escape the noise, the crowd, the mistake I had made. My feet moved of their own accord, stumbling towards what I hoped was the exit. The faces around me morphed into a sea of colors, indistinct and swirling. I could hear my heart pounding over the music, a desperate rhythm urging me on.

"Harry, where are you going?" Elisha's voice reached me through the haze, but I couldn't find her in the blur. "Just need some air," I managed to say, though I wasn't sure she heard me. I leaned against the wall, trying to steady my spinning head and calm the storm in my stomach.

The night was silent except for the distant thump of the bass, a reminder of the world I had just left behind. I closed my eyes, hoping to center myself, to find a point of stillness in the tumult.

Harry's night had taken a turn for the worse. After mixing too much alcohol with the drugs he'd been pressured into taking, his stomach churned uncomfortably, and his head felt like it was spinning on a merry-go-round that wouldn't stop. The loud music and flashing lights of the party, which once seemed so exciting, now felt like an assault on his senses.

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