❁ Jinkook- The Tree❁

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A/N's: Okay, I might have exaggerated a bit.
It does include a few paranormal things, but it is more of a sad one-shot than horror.

And this is the best I could come up with.

I'm sorry if it isn't up to your expectations.

And a few of you asked me to write more Jin×BTS one-shots, but honestly, I have no clue what to write.

Maybe y'all could give me some suggestions?

Let's dig in.


Words: 2064


Everyone knew about it. No one liked it. It was an eye-sore, as most would call it. How long had it been there? Many people couldn't remember. Fifteen years? Twenty? Why was it even there? Shouldn't such an ugly thing be cut down and replaced with something more appealing?

Walking along the sidewalk on an average evening, an ordinary man was simply on his way home after a busy day at work. Despite how tired he was, he still looked very professional in his black suit and tie, briefcase in his hand. This man was Kim Seokjin, a hard-working businessman in one of Seoul's largest companies. He was so dedicated to his job and family that he failed to have much of a social life.

While other men his age would take a calm evening like this and turn it into a trip to the bar with friends, Seokjin was looking forward to going home and having a nice dinner with his husband, if he was still awake at this time. He might have already gone to bed, considering how late it was.

On his way home, Seokjin would always pass a path that led to a more deserted spot. Many people passed there daily, but no one stuck around. It was the home of an 'Ugly' tree, as it was known. Truly ugly, that thing was a monstrosity, large and twisted. Seokjin often found himself wanting to get closer to the bizarre tree, perhaps out of curiosity about its ugliness.

Giving in to his curiosity for once, Seokjin made his way along the path to reach the ugly tree. His husband wouldn't get upset with him for being just a little later than usual today, would he? As he approached the ugly tree, Seokjin was certainly in awe of its size. Such a giant tree. Its size and displeasing sight would lead anyone unfamiliar with it to believe that it had been planted a hundred years ago.

Seokjin reached out his empty hand and lightly touched the bark of the ugly tree, feeling how dry it was. With a sigh, he wondered if the tree was even still alive. It almost made him sad. This tree was ugly and deformed, not like other trees. It was planted in this spot on its own, with no other trees around it. Now here he was, feeling like a sappy fool because he felt sorry for a tree. His thoughts were torn away from the tree though when he heard the giggle of a child. Glancing around, Seokjin didn't see anyone, but he heard the giggle again, prompting his gaze to be lifted.

Up in the thick, twisted branches of the tree was a child, possibly around the age of nine or ten."Hi, Mister!" the child greeted cheerfully.

Looking up at the boy, Seokjin was a little taken aback. What was a child doing out at this time? It was late and dark, save for the streetlights."Hello." he greeted the child in return. "What are you doing out here so late? Won't your parents worry?"

The child simply grinned. "Nah. They know where I am." Climbing to a different branch, the boy looked down at the businessman and seemed to grow so happy.

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