AR-15 :M4. You're awake.

M4A1 (a.l.d.) :How are you alive?

AR-15 :It's a long story. Just don't move you're head too much. Our voice is enough.

M4A1 (a.l.d.) :Where's sop II...and RO?

AR-15 :... Am afraid Sop II is missing and RO is... Dead.

M4 is shocked to hear on what she just said.

AR-15 :Just rest easy for now M4.

M4A1 :...

She looks to her left sees Ghost walking with Lucia. Ghost notices her looking at both them.

Ghost :...

M4A1 :Ghost?

Ghost :...

He looks back at the path.

M4A1 :...

AR-15 :Don't worry M4. He's with us.

M4A1 :But he's a criminal.

Ghost :(slightly looks down)

AR-15 :Yeah, he is a criminal and all. But I think he's...

Ghost :No, don't. I don't want an argument to start.

The Girl's :...

The whole walking was quiet, no f*cking conversation was instigated. But after a few minutes, they encountered some military units blocking their path.

Ghost (whisper) :Sh*t, hide!

They hid behind a rubble. Lucia peek to observed them.

Lucia (whisper) :There's a lot of them.

Ghost :Hmm...

AR-15 :Any ideas Ghost?

Ghost :(thinking)... (looks to Lucia) Lucia, do you still remember you're skills?

Lucia :Humph...of course I did. Even if im a human now, I can still do it.

Ghost :Ok...

Lucia :You see those radio stations over there? We need to take over them so I can hack into the military units.

Ghost :(looks at the towers) Seems easy enough.

He stands up and cocks gun.

Ghost :You girl's stay here. I'll take care of this.

AR-15 :Wait, Ghost!

Ghost :What?

AR-15 :Can I handle this one please?

Ghost :What!? No i'll take care of this.

AR-15 :Are you underestimating me? Plus you're skilled in hacking, like back when you rescued me from hunter.

Ghost :No, im just worried that's all. But fine, take this one out, be careful.

AR-15 :(nods) take care of M4.

Ghost :Ok, don't say it like that.

She quietly goes to the radio stations. Meanwhile Ghost goes over to Lucia and takes out a tablet.

Ghost :Now we wait.

Few Minutes Go By...
Behind A Rubble

AR-15 successfully captured one of the radio stations. So Ghost and Lucia begins to hack one of the military units.

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