Wei Ying crossed his arms over his chest and pouted " Jiang Cheng, you have to save me. I just now discovered, Lan Wangji is a dangerous man for me and my sanity "

" Ahh ...I don't know you have sanity and from what I can see , Lan Wangji is treating you well only. Poor him got struck with you " Jiang Cheng teased annoying Wei Ying.

" OMG! I am a grand mother. Did you hear it Furen , we had two grand child " Madam Lan screams in ecstasy...pinching Lan Sizhui cheeks .

Lan Xiyang who was trying to fall asleep in his uncle shoulder, looked up in daze before crying again.

" SHHH ! I am sorry my grand child. Sleep ..sleep " Madam Lan apologies looking little guilty.

" Madam Lan  ! It's okay ...why don't you meet him tomorrow. He will happily active in the morning. In the night , he turns cracky like Lan Zhan " Wei Wuxian innocently informed , taking a jab at his husband.

Younger Lan Wangji huffed out a breath , annoyed at  Wei Ying typical antics.

" Hanguang-jun! I forgot to inform..A-xiYan didn't have dinner. We don't know what to feed him " Sizhui sheepishly informed.

Lan Wangji is a good father.

Lan Wangji is a good husband

Wei Wuxian knows this, of course. Lan Sizhui - his little A-Yuan - has grown up so well. He is elegant and noble, the picture of a perfect Lan disciple. Lan Wangji raised him like that, and Wei Wuxian is very proud of his - their - son.

Wei Wuxian knows this, of course. Lan Sizhui has grown up so well. He is elegant and noble, the picture of a perfect Lan disciple. Lan Wangji raised him like that, and Wei Wuxian is very proud of him and it also means Wangji is  too much of a protective father.

Which brings them to current situation.

" Wangji ! He is already sleepy ...how can I keep him awake till you made food. Let him sleep " Lan Xichen tried to reason his stubborn brother.

" You and Wei Ying can entertain him . I will cook something quickly. No child should sleep in empty stomach" Lan Wangji replied frimly.

" Lan Zhan "

" Wei Ying be good. Mother , father excuse me for leaving , I have to feed my husband and child " Wangji says bowing a little

" but , what will you cook now. It's already late ..." Lan Qiren asked

" I will find something. Sizhui did you all  had dinner?"

" Yes ! Hanguang-jun we all did ."

" Wei Ying! Wait in the jingshi with A-xiYan . Brother I will deposit him in hanshi after feeding him " Wangji informed walking out.

'' Strange ! If Wangji and you  iare  the Fathers of the child , why he is leaving the child with Lan Xichen in the night ? What important work they have other than to take care of that child " Jiang Cheng complained to young Wei Wuxian, not liking the idea of  leaving his nephew alone with first jade .

" Huh ...how could I know. It's not our business and let's go before shijie gets worried about us " Wei Wuxian spoke dragging the scowling Jiang Cheng away .

( How can it be not my business. I am also baby uncle . Why the first jade is always around the baby. Hell the baby even like him more than the ice face. What if future me got replaced) Jiang Cheng anxious think , cursing the first jade in his heart .

Not far from Jiang Cheng, two brothers walked out with two different emotions.

One grinning so happily that his cheeks hurt while another sulking so much .

" I don't know why your angry with me. Did I do anything that hurts you " Lan Xichen tenderly asked his younger brother as they walked to drom to spend the night .

The reminder of how his own future son slapping his future self hand , replayed in Wangji mind.

Without answering his brother question, Wangji walked away from there in haste , leaving his confused brother behind .

In Genitian house .

" I send the message to 3 major sect about future discipline arrival. They will come tomorrow" Lan Qiren informed sipping his tea

" Do you want me there.." Qingheng-jun asked suprising everyone.

" You are ready to leave your ..." Words stuck in Lan Qiren thorat as he looks at his brother with hope

" Yes . I am. I will support you to face Jin and Jiang sect. Though from what I heard Lan Xichen, we should not trust Jin sect leader . Speak with his son " Qingheng-jun advised.

" We need to be cautious of Madam YU too. There is a high chance she may hurt Wei Wuxian, while older Wei Ying will be protected by Lan Zhan, we should made a plan to protect younger one " Madam Lan advised .

" Yes.  Poor boy ...we need to protect him and I believe I have plan to save him " Lan Qiren says, sharing his sister in law sentiment.


So what do you think of it

Do you like wangxian domestic relationships

What do you think of lanXichen ? Do you like him?

Let me know in comment section

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