Chapter 8

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Even as Lucy gently turned him away, Song Gu refused to be discouraged in his quest for her love. His messages, sporadic yet heartfelt, continued to find their way to her, as he tried to chip away at the walls she had erected around her heart.

As Lucy navigated the delicate balance between her loyalty to Sung Hoon and the undeniable pull towards Song Gu, she found herself entangled in a web of conflicting emotions. With each message from the charismatic actor, her once steadfast resolve began to falter, her heart torn between two opposing forces

Thursday evening found Lucy nestled in a cozy cafe beside the convenience store, her friend Alli and Gayle by her side, engaged in lively conversation. The ambience was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions swirling within Lucy's heart.

As they chatted, Lucy's phone buzzed with another message from Song Gu. Her heart skipped a beat as she read his words: "I might come to Daegu next week for the movie stage greeting, maybe we can meet up?" 

Before Lucy could even formulate a response, another message followed: "Maybe if you are uncomfortable meeting up with me alone, maybe we can meet up with our friends together."

Lucy was in awe, her mind racing with possibilities. She showed the message to her friends Alli and Gayle, seeking their advice. "What should I do?" she asked, uncertainty tingeing her voice.

Gayle raised an eyebrow, her expression thoughtful. "Does he know you have a boyfriend though? I thought you turned him down the first time. He should get the hint by now."

Alli nodded in agreement, chiming in, "Right, I think he's a bit slow-witted. Why does he keep sending you messages, though? plus, he's old!"

Finally, unable to bear the weight of her secret any longer, Lucy mustered the courage to reveal the truth to Song Gu. "I appreciate your kindness, Song Gu, but I have a boyfriend," she confessed, her fingers trembling as she typed out the words.

As Lucy hit send, a wave of relief washed over her. She had been carrying this secret for too long, and finally releasing it felt like lifting a weight off her shoulders. She knew she had made the right decision, but the ache in her heart remained, a silent reminder of the complex emotions that had entangled her in this delicate dance of love and loyalty.

Song Gu's reply came swiftly, his words laced with a hint of disappointment yet understanding. "I understand, Lucy. Thank you for being honest with me," he wrote. 

Despite the pang of rejection, he couldn't help but admire Lucy's integrity, even as he grappled with the reality of their situation.

Though she didn't reveal Sung Hoon's identity, Song Gu's heart sank at Lucy's admission. He had suspected as much, yet the confirmation stung nonetheless. 

Still, he couldn't bring himself to give up hope entirely, holding onto the flicker of possibility that one day, Lucy might change her mind.


Hi! I hope you are enjoying my story so far. Most of them are based on my personal experience so please be kind in the comment session but constructive criticisms is always welcome. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and please hit vote if you like the story. It means a lot to me. Have a great day. See you next chapter!

Foot note: While this story draws inspiration from real events, it is awork of fiction and certain characters, events, and situations have beenfictionalized and exaggerated for narrative purposes. Please keep in mind thatall characters are completely fictional and do not represent any real-lifeindividuals whatsoever.  

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